1 Supporting CD for Civil Society Organisations CD through knowledge-sharing on capacity4dev.eu
capacity4dev.eu: EuropeAid's knowledge sharing and collaboration platform for development professionals Strategic Objectives: Improve the Quality of Aid and Increase our impact in terms of Capacity Development as a priority of our cooperation Help better use knowledge for Development: capacity4dev.eu as a knowledge hub for the development community Knowledge and information are key to achieving our development objectives and benefit our partner countries.
Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration In practice capacity4dev.eu : Members: Professionals from all over the world, EC/ EEAS staff (HQ+EUD), from Private Cos, CSOs, Gov, Academics etc 257 Articles, 6799 Posts (documents, blog posts, events …) in 177 Groups Supports the daily work of distributed teams and Thematic Networks and Communities of Practice including both EC / EEAS staff and partners across the globe. Links Internal with External expertise and enable cross learning Builds bridges across thematic expertise silos Supports good practice and innovation exchange / helps identify specialists Builds Institutional Memory: help Transfer and consolidate knowledge online before it gets lost : too much Info is unshared and hidden / fragmented 3
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