IntelliCart TM Automated Shopping and Checkout System IntelliCart TM Automated Shopping and Checkout System Peter Dao, Joseph Esler, Brett Halper, Jason Price
Objective: ► To create an automated shopping and checkout system with wireless communication between an embedded system on a cart and an RFID tag on merchandise. 10/5/20152ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
Joseph (ECE):Software Systems Development Brett (EE):Wireless and Hardware Design Jason (EE):Embedded Systems Design Peter (ECE):Hardware-Software Interface Division of Labor: 10/5/20153ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
High-level Diagram 10/5/20154ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
10/5/20155ECEN DEHP IntelliCart Mid-level Diagram
ECEN DEHP IntelliCart10/5/20156 Low-level Diagram
Hardware: Deliverable: 125 kHz ID-20 RFID Reader with RFID tag Graphic LCD (160x128) Power system Altera Cyclone II FPGA Magnetic stripe card reader Keyboard Memory/Storage to be determined Optional: DE2 development board Load Cells Bluetooth module(s) 2-line/16 segment LCDs 10/5/20157ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
FPGA implementation: Cyclone II EP2C35 FPGA 2 NIOS II soft-core processors – 50 MHz Storage – on chip, flash, SRAM GPIO - UART 10/5/20158ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
Software: Java Micro Edition (ME) Java Virtual Machine (JVM) NetBeans IDE 6.5 (Software Development) Quartus II 8.1 (Altera DE2 Development) Altium Designer 6 (PCB Layout) 10/5/20159ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
Software: Automatic totaling ASCII parsing (RFID and magnetic stripe readers) Item lookup GUI Electronic receipt (sent via ) Pricing updates (in centralized database) 10/5/201510ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
10/5/2015ECEN DEHP IntelliCart11 Static Class Diagrams
10/5/2015ECEN DEHP IntelliCart12 Interfaces: Specification HW/SW Partition Hardware Synthesis Software Implementation HW/SW Interface Integration and Test
Interfaces (cont.) : RS-232 Serial: RFID Readers Magnetic Stripe Reader Bluetooth Modems Keyboard Large LCD: KS0108B Small LCDs: HD /5/201513ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
Budget: ComponentManufacturerPrice FPGAAltera$80 Memory/Storage $50 PCB FabricationAdvanced Circuits$100 LCDsToshiba$100 Keyboard $30 Load Cells $200 CC ReaderIDTech$40 BluetoothRoving Networks$200 RFID ReadersID Innovations$150 Power SystemNational / Fairchild$100 Printing/BindingKinko’s$50 Fabrication Classes $100 Misc. Parts$200 Total $1,000 (+) 10/5/201514ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
Risk Analysis: Team skills: Unfamiliar with mechanical design Unfamiliar with PCB design JVM implementation Bluetooth implementation Memory required for GUI Power requirements Overall cost 10/5/201515ECEN DEHP IntelliCart
10/5/201516ECEN DEHP IntelliCart Schedule: Optional:
10/5/2015ECEN DEHP IntelliCart17