Electronic Instrumentation & PLC DKT 314 Digital thermometer LCD display using LM35 Lecturer: En Mat Nor Mohamad B Ismail En Zulkifli Husin
SYNOPSIS Digital thermometer designed for measuring temperature in three scales (Fahrenheit Celsius and Kelvin ) Temperature was measured by LM35DZ The 0804 analog to digital converter (ADC), convert the dc output provided by LM35D and sends to microcontroller (AT89S52) The program write in C language Microcontroller read binary output from the A/D converter, performs ASCII code, and sends to a 16x2 line LCD display
OBJECTIVE Ability to apply the basic concept of electronic instrumentation Ability to under stand the basic concept of electronic instrumentation Ability to integrate basic sensor temperature circuit and LCD display with 8051
PART 1 –LM35 - Voltage increase 10mV/ ⁰ C - supply voltage 5V
PART 2- FILTER LOW PASSFILTER Vout=1/2∏RC R=100k Ω,C=0.002mF Vout=795.77Hz
PART 3- AMPLIFIER Gain = 1+(R2/R1) R1=10k Ω,R2=10 Ω Gain= 1.001
PART 4 –ADC 0804 Vref=not connected Step size=19.53mV Vout= Vin/ Step size
Full Schematic Diagram
PROBLEMS Amplifier – the theoretical not equal to practical amplifier Uneasy to stable the temperature value. To find the best filter for the project.
CONCLUTION Objective for this project has archive. Learn the basic of electronic instrumentation This project can control anything that use this system.