Evaluation Unit DG Development and co-operation Martyn Pennington Head of Unit Evaluation of the European Commission's Support to Decentralisation processes.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation Unit DG Development and co-operation Martyn Pennington Head of Unit Evaluation of the European Commission's Support to Decentralisation processes

2 Who are we? Devco Dir. Quality and Impact

3 What do we do? Pluriannual programme Geographical Modality of implementation Thematic/sectoral 3 AXES :

4 Evaluation phases Desk phase Field phase Synthesis phase Dissemination Fiche Contradictoire RG GR - Drafting Intervention Logic, EQs, JCs, Indicators - Determination of preliminary findings - Answers to Evaluation Questions Conclusions and recommendations Inception report Desk report Draft Final Report S -Project visits -Interviews -Focus groups Follow up Final Report

5 What do we do? Cooperation and Exchange We exchange evaluation and ideas with EU heads of evaluation services and meet together to mainstream solutions and help each other tackle challenges.

6 What do we do? Development Assistance Committee

Published Reports EC Support in the Sectors of Employment and Social Inclusion EC Support to Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building EC Support to Justice and Security Reform EC support to respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom Country Level Evaluation Republic of Malawi Country Level Evaluation-Dominican Republic Region Level Evaluation Overseas Countries and Territories Country Level Evaluation Tunisia Legal Instruments and Lessons Learned from the Evaluations managed by the Joint Evaluation Unit Budget support operations in Tunisia Budget Support operations in Mali Thematic Geographic Aid Modalities

8 What is under way? 13 Geographic Nepal Ethiopia Congo Honduras Ecuador Jamaica Caribbean Region Djibouti Zambia Colombia Philippines European Neighborhood Policy Region 4 Aid Modalities B.S. Tanzania (Joint) Visibility of EU external action Technical Cooperation Council of Europe

9 5 Thematic Trade Related Assistance Private Sector Agriculture Commodities in ACP countries Health Integrated Border Management What is under way?

10 Project Cycle iQSG oQSG 1 oQSG 2 Mid Term Review ROM Final Evaluation Ex-Post ROM Quality Assurance in the project cycle What have we learnt?

11 "FICHE CONTRADICTOIRE" Response of Commission Services Follow up (one year later) Stage 1 - Formulation of energy policy: to be operationalised at country level: AGREEMENT EU external energy policy should allow for integration of energy objectives into broader relations and development cooperation goals. For most of the countries, there is already a policy cooperation process. In some countries, this integration could imply enhanced relations with countries/regions facing energy and environmental challenges of same dimensions as the EU. For ENP countries the energy policy cooperation is already included in the general policy cooperation which is deliberately kept separate from the assistance programming process so as not to pre-judge programming decisions. However assistance programming should reflect the energy policy discussions and will not be formulated in a separate energy policy. In line with the European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy (the Green Paper), the Kyoto Protocol and CDM should be applied to its full to spur investment in energy projects. Reference to MDG/DCI and objectives, in particular, as concerns the enhancement of energy access in poverty alleviation and nuclear safety, may increasingly contribute to EU/EC leadership and country policies in energy sector The integration of the objectives of external dimension of the EU energy policy into development cooperation is being implemented. The Energy Strategy , currently under preparation, will also address the external dimension of EU energy policy and the need for a mutually reinforcing approach with other EU policy areas, such as CSFP, trade, development, etc The Africa – EU Energy Partnership was adopted by Head of States in Lisbon in December Since then common priorities have been further developed and communicated. This process is undertaken with EU Member States. With certain countries we have a specific dialogue on energy, for instance with the Republic of South Africa. As regards RTD, in No nuclear energy technologies (NNE) the objectives are to achieve a win win situation based on common interest and mutual benefit. Through 7th Framework programme (open to international participation) we support i) research to promote for technology transfer and capacity building and ii) support for S&T research cooperation with developing/emerging countries In ACP countries, DG DEV (B2) initiated projects to enhance capacity on CDM. No financing of nuclear safety under the DCI, because this is not possible. Evaluation of the EC support to Partner Countries in the area of Energy

12 What can we do better? We should pursue the joint evaluation approach and coordinate better. We should enhance the communication process and further disseminate the lessons learned. We must strengthen training and promote greater staff awareness of evaluation. We must learn how useful our recommendations have been and tailor to current needs.

To follow-up consult: Evaluation of European Commission Support to Decentralisation processes To download the full report: