Expert group meeting on models, draft templates and guidance for the Partnership Agreement and operational/cooperation programmes under cohesion policy 1 March 2013
Objectives of the meeting Follow-up of the meeting on 14 January on the templates and guidance for the Partnership Agreement and operational programmes A presentation of the model for the operational programmes under the Investment in growth and Jobs goal First review of the template and guidance for ETC programmes Focus on feedback from experts
Next steps At least one more meeting on the ETC template and guidance and on (SFC) models for programming documents (15 April) Finalisation of the templates and guidance for the Partnership Agreement and operational programmes under the Investment for growth and jobs goal
General issues raised by the experts The role of the Commission services position paper The streamlining of the templates Duplication between the Partnership Agreement and the operational programme Questions of substance that require additional guidance
Partnership Agreement – main points The role of the Commission services position paper Flexibility to adjust the template to national needs The presentation of information in federal, devolved or highly regionalised administrations "Commitment" of national or regional funds Annex on links between Union Priorities for Rural Development and thematic objectives set out in the CPR Streamlining and consistency with the CPR
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Operational programme – main points Character limits- feedback is welcome Specification of which information should always be provided, and which should be provided "where appropriate" More guidance on the inter - linkages between different elements and on the intervention logic Coverage of the Commission decision adopting the programme Breakdown of tables Changes in the categorisation system Streamlining and consistency with the CPR
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Cooperation programmes under the European Territorial Cooperation goal
State of play of negotiations on ETC programming (Art State of play of negotiations on ETC programming (Art. 7 ETC Regulation) Council adopted partial general approach covering Art. 7 ETC Regulation in April 2012 (and subsequently additional elements relevant for programming) EP adopted its negotiation mandate in July 2012 Art. 7 ETC Regulation was not part of strategic programming package agreed by the co-legislators in December 2012 ETC programming provisions are currently being finalised in the context of the trilogues, also with a view to aligning the structure with the agreement reached among the co-legislators for Art. 87 CPR. => This is a very preliminary first draft
Structure of the ETC template Starting point is template for programmes under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal Adaptation of terminology and examples to multi-country context, including references to third country participation Specific elements included on implementing provisions (procedure for setting up the joint secretariat, summary description of management and control arrangements, apportionment of liabilities, use of the Euro, implementing conditions for ENI/IPA resources in transnational and interregional programmes) Reinforced references to coordination requirements with programmes under the IfGJ goal, possible links with macro-regional and sea-basin strategies
Elements that require further reflection Provisions contained in Art. 87 CPR without correspondence in ETC Regulation (specific provisions for technical assistance priority axis, approach to it is outside sustainable urban development, needs of geographical areas most affected by poverty and demographic challenges) Differences from Art. 87 CPR (role of national equality body, sustainable urban development) Elements subject to "light" modification procedure More detail may be needed on specificities for interregional cooperation programmes; links with ENI/IPA/EDF
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