The students have shared their reading experiences with their friends during the project. They discussed the plot, illustrated and dramatised the stories. For example; “The Wings of The Books”
Their writing skill was developed and they were motivated. “Pinocchio story writing competition” They were able to express themselves by drawing and “Logo Project and bookmark designs, illustrations of book covers and stories”
It was observed that the pupils changed the ways of getting books. They exchanged their books more than before. They choose the books which they like when they buy, not their parents. And they often visited bookshops.
They haven’t thought ‘reading ‘as a free time activity. They have always found time for reading. With the help of the library and the book fair visits which was held last year pupils have learnt ranges and types of the books. They have often begun to visit school library.
They have developed their reading skills by using new methods and techniques. We collected the practical advice and shared good practice from all partners and developed “Teacher’s Guide Book”. We translated into English and delivered all our partners. We also believe that this book will help the teachers to develop their pupils’ reading skills.
The parents have realized that the reading habit is so important for children’s reading skill’s development. They gave feedback that the children should choose the book which they like so that they can be eager to read.
We published 2015 Calendar with selected pupils’ drawings from all partners. They worked with their collagues concurrently. Parents read to 2 nd grade pupils so the parents shared the same ambiance with the teacher and it was a good experience.
Arranging the Comenius Corner has presented to inform schools about the partner countries, Project aims and activities.
In Turkish saying “Bir elin nesi var iki elin sesi var” which means “Two heads are beter than one” ????? During the Project we tried to do our best. My collague and I hope that our cooperation will go on.