PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN Chapter VI Dialogue Running a Discussion Starting Points for Discussions
INTRODUCTION Student at college Low level of thinking skills because the child is not sufficiently encouraged to think for himself, to form independent judgments children’s aims to become more… thoughtful reflective considerate reasonable
DIALOGUE Is the best development of thinking The best way to teach children to thinkstories how children behave in a community of enquiry If we want reflective adults encourage children to be reflective IMPORTANT (to teach children to think) animated discussions talk about questions listen peers and to respect other point of view no definitive answers, no absolute rights and wrongs DIALOGUE IS NOT A BATTLE WITH WINNERS AND LOSERS
RUNNING A DISCUSSION can flourish in many different settings hear each other’s voices without the need for shouting noise or activities of children in class can be cause interruption all participants, including the teacher are equally valuable
Different structure that facilitate the dialogue: INDIVIDUAL TASK STRUCTURE teacher child task child task child task
GROUP TASK teacher task child
TUTORIAL teacher child
DIDACTIC teacher child
CONFERENCE teacher child
CLASS MEETING teacher child The problem
SOCRATIC teacher child The problem
STARTING POINT FOR DISCUSSION listening is not only hearing words, but paying attention to the meaning of what is being said normally session starts by reading or re-reading part of story teacher a facilitator, a manager of the process rationality
FREEDOM is circumscribed by rules and prohibitions written unwritten
JUDGMENT discussion involved exposing one’s viewpoints to judgment of others children aren’t the prisoners of fairylands they’re interested in what happens in the world current events can stimulate discussion through discussion children learn to become: more logicalmore criticalmore reflective more philosophical DIALOGUE OFFER A POWERFUL MEANS OF PROBLEM-SOLVING