EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Restricted call for proposals EuropeAid/126266/C/ACT/Multi
EuropeAid Background- Barcelona Process Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Barcelona 1995 =>broad framework of political, economic and social relations between the EU Member States and Mediterranean Partner Countries “The participants recognise that the traditions of culture and civilisation throughout the Mediterranean region, dialogue between these cultures and the exchanges at human, scientific and technological level are an essential factor in bringing their peoples closer, promoting understanding between them and improving their perception of each other.” 3 regional programmes: Euromed Youth, Euromed Audiovisual and Euromed Heritage 2 main regional initiatives dealing with culture: Euromed Heritage The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage I- III €57 million 400 partners from EU Member States and Mediterranean Partner Countries and Territories Heritage I ( ): 21 projects Heritage II ( ): 11 projects Highlight the Mediterranean heritage (Inventories) Exchange of know-how Promote knowledge about heritage Offer training Heritage III (2004-ongoing): 4 projects Continuation of Heritage II
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Objectives Context: European Neighbourhood Policy: partnership reinforced Lessons learned Strategy paper: «Strategy for the development of Euro- Mediterranean cultural heritage: priorities from mediterranean countries ( )» General Objective: mutual understanding and dialogue between cultures by the promotion of Med CH and public awareness raising : Appropriation of CH by the population Education and access to the knowledge of the Mediterranean CH
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Objectives Specific objective: Contribute to awareness-raising in the Mediterranean Partner Countries to the importance of cultural heritage and its diversity Encourage the accessibility to and the knowledge of cultural heritage Promote an effective and integrated management of this heritage Expected results: The public and above all youth visit the cultural sites and participate in activities promoting tangible and non- tangible heritage All cultural sites become places of life Synergies exist between the heritage of the past and contemporary creations, live arts and the craft industry; between the various types of cultural heritage, between the various generations and finally between cultures.
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Objectives Specific objective: Encourage the social and economic repercussions at regional and local levels Expected results: Management plans of cultural sites and assets => in co-operation with public/ private and non state actors Management of cultural sites/assets and conservation/promotion of CH : => generate new initiatives for tourism of quality => enable tourists and the local people to dialogue in mutual respect => achieve local, national and regional long-term development.
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Types of actions (24-48 months) Tangible /non tangible Activities must take place in at least two of the Mediterranean partner countries and territories (40% of the budget costs) Strategic information, education and awareness-raising campaigns at different levels on CH “Heritage Days” Promotional / educational activities as part of comprehensive projects Development of management plans (preservation and promotion) in coordination with ministries and other stakeholders involved
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Types of actions Innovative approaches aiming at safeguarding, preserving and promoting the tangible/ non tangible CH Activities of twinning (N-S / S-S) to foster synergies in the field of creative and productive activities promoting local development Support for the creation/design/ management of decentralised museums and support for training actions Cultural tourism initiatives
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Partnerships Respective roles and responsibilities to be negotiated before the signature of the contract Partnerships must be composed of at least one organisation from a EU Member State and at least one organisation from a Mediterranean Partner Country or Territory
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Important Issues Education components in all project activities Synergies at all levels Involvement of the public sector Innovative Public-Private partnerships Active involvement of economic and social actors Promoting local development Cultural heritage as a mean for creating employment opportunities Experimental projects whose multiplier effect can be demonstrated
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Crosscutting issues Human rights Gender equality Environmental viability Unesco Convention on Cultural Diversity World Tourism Organization on sustainable tourism Indicators
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Communication and visibility Detailed strategy linked to specific budget and expertise Attention to communication in Mediterranean partner countries and territories Web site sustainability (EU visibility guidelines for external actions
EuropeAid Euromed Heritage IV Dissemination and exploitation of results Sound strategy Publications : dissemination strategy implemented during the project duration Exploitation of results
EuropeAid Lessons learned Needs assessment Non ambitious, realistic and shared objectives, measurable indicators, realistic time-frame, coherent budget Logframe compulsory : aid to thinking, tool for internal and external monitoring,evaluation grid Well designed organisational structure «Organisational chart» : who does what, team member accountability Full-time committed project coordinator Dedicated financial manager
EuropeAid Lessons learned : continued Partners : competence in the sector and quality of collaboration rather than quantity Increase south partners participation Fully involved since the design of the project Well drafted Partnership agreement (roles, responsabilities, budget, procedures and communication) Vertical partnerships Internal monitoring and evaluation process
EuropeAid Lessons learned : continued Competent information and communication officer Publications/material : translated into national languages Two evaluations Learning from lessons learned
EuropeAid Info-days in Mediterranean partner countries Brussels : 15 January 2008 (French session) SYRIA : Damascus 17 January 2008 MOROCCO : Rabat 25 January 2008