Assessment in Early Childhood Legislation. Legislation for Young Children The need for measurement strategies and tests to evaluate federal programs led.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment in Early Childhood Legislation

Legislation for Young Children The need for measurement strategies and tests to evaluate federal programs led to the improvement of existing tests and the development of new tests to accurately evaluate program success and individual child progress.

Legislation for Young Children Head Start and the War on Poverty Public Law (PL) 94–142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act— IDEA):

Legislation for Young Children Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guarantees all children with disabilities the right to an appropriate education in a free public school placement in the least restrictive learning environment the use of nondiscriminatory testing and evaluation of each child

Legislation for Young Children Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) tests were no longer adequate for children with special needs classroom teachers had to learn techniques to identify students with disabilities and to determine how to meet their educational needs

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) IDEA required that: a team is used to identify and place students with disabilities the team screens, tests the individual child the team develops an individual educational plan (IEP) for the individual child

Concerns about testing young children: The least restrictive environment (LRE) As often as possible the child should be placed with children developing normally, rather than in a segregated classroom for students in special education - MAINSTREAMING The ability of teachers to meet the needs of students with and without disabilities simultaneously in the same classroom is still debated

Legislation for Young Children PL 99–457. Federal Preschool Program and the Early Intervention Program Federal Preschool Programs extend the right of children with disabilities to children, ages 3-5 In participating states Early Intervention Programs must now provide services for all infants and toddlers (birth to age 2) with developmental delays

PL 101–576 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) all early childhood programs must be prepared to serve children with special needs facilities and accommodations for young children, including outdoor play environments, must be designed, constructed, and altered to meet the needs of young children with disabilities.

PL 101–576 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) INTEGRATION OR INCLUSION began – all young children learn together with the goal the individual needs of all children will be met.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 the NCLB Act of 2001 required that states must test at last 95 percent of their students with disabilities IDEA required special education students to participate in state tests and states were to report results of those tests to the public IDEA was aligned with the requirements of NCLB

RTI Response to Intervention – process involved providing intervention services for students. Students who did not respond could be referred for special education services. Students in private schools would be provided services through the public schools with IDEA of 2004

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Integrate scientifically based reading research into comprehensive instruction for young children Set and monitor adequate yearly progress Issue annual report cards on school performance and statewide test results Implement annual, standards-based assessments in reading and math for grades 3 to 8 by 2005–2006 Assure that all classes are taught by a qualified teacher by 2005–2006 What does each bullet mean? Can you give an example?

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Look at the report card... What components are connected to NCLB?

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) All states are required to administer tests developed by the state and to set and monitor adequate yearly progress.

Concerns about No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Provisions Children With Special Needs “Highly qualified teachers must be hired” states can create a state standard of evaluation for special education teachers States can still use other methods of diagnosing children with learning disabilities School districts are required to set aside a percentage of their federal funds for services for private school students

Continuing effort to advocate appropriate assessments Standardized tests and other measures used inappropriately to determine admission, promotion and retention of young children Fairness of existing tests to evaluate culturally and linguistically diverse children Early and appropriate assessment for children with disabilities

Concerns about testing young children with cultural and language differences Appropriate measurement and evaluation strategies that will enhance children’s potential for achievement The fairness of existing tests for children of diverse backgrounds serves as an indicator of the need for alternative assessment strategies for young children. How appropriate are tests and assessments in terms of the diversity of these young children? Is there bias?

Concerns about testing young children with disabilities Assessment should be based on the current understanding of development and better indicate what learning environments will best provide intervention services for the child’s optimal development. Assessments are based on multiple sources of information that will reflect the child’s capacities and competencies – play-based assessment and – structured tests are a part of an integrated approach

Components of AYP Percentage of students who must score proficient or above in reading and math Percentage of students who must participate in reading and math testing Percentage of students who must be in attendance and graduate during the school year

4 Ways to meet AYP Each subgroup meets or exceeds it’s target Meeting the “Safe Harbor” provision Meeting or exceeding the two year average Meeting the growth measure standard