Warm up! Write down 3 facts you know about Shakespeare on a separate sheet of paper. DO NOT USE YOUR NOTES!
Things we know about Shakespeare… JzmU_M&feature=relatedhttp:// JzmU_M&feature=related
Shakespeare: His Life and Times Adapted from
Early Life Born April 23, 1564—died 1616 –In Stratford-upon-Avon Parents: John and Mary Arden Shakespeare Mary—daughter of wealthy landowner John—glovemaker, local politician
From: Location of Stratford-upon-Avon
From: Shakespeare’s Birthplace
Probably attended King’s New School in Stratford (Little known about his childhood) Education
From: King’s New School
Married in 1582 to Anne Hathaway (26), who was pregnant at the time with their first daughter (Susanna) He was 18! Had twins in 1585 (Hamnet & Judith) Sometime between , he moved to London and began working in theatre. Married Life
From: Anne Hathaway’s Cottage
Conditions in London-BAD! Thames River polluted with raw sewage Trees used up for fuel Poverty
Personal Hygiene/Disease Bathing considered dangerous Body odor strong Childhood diseases Children often died before 5 years Small Pox Bubonic Plague
Living Conditions No running water Chamber Pots Open Sewers Crowded
One set used all year long, rarely washed Underclothing slept in, infrequently changed Clothes
Theater Career Performed in courtyards of inns The Theater-first public theater Daytime/open air Limited set design Relied on music, sound, costumes, props and great description
Member and later part-owner of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, later called the King’s Men Globe Theater built in 1599 by L.C.M. with Shakespeare as primary investor was three-stories high and had no roof.\ could together hold more than 1,500 people. In 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, a misfired canon ball set the Globe's thatched roof on fire and the whole theatre was consumed. Theatre
The Globe Theater
The Rebuilt Globe Theater, London
The Globe Theater
Actors All men Female parts played by young boys No actual kissing or hugging on stage
Groundlings Poor audience member Stood around stage in “the pit” Threw rotten vegetables at bad performances
The cost of attending a show 1 shilling to stand 2 shillings to sit in the balcony
The Plays 38 plays firmly attributed to Shakespeare comedies histories Tragedies romances Collaborated on several others
Numerous poems 154 Sonnets The Poetry
Shakespeare’s death The cause of Shakespeare's death is a mystery, but an entry in the diary of John Ward, the vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford (where Shakespeare is buried), tells us that "Shakespeare, Drayton, and Ben Jonson had a merry meeting and it seems drank too hard, for Shakespeare died of a fever there contracted." He was 52. He is buried at Holy Trinity Church in his birthplace of Stratford.
Shakespeare’s epitaph An epitaph is an inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there. Shakespeare also wrote his own epitaph because during his time, when the graveyard was full, people would dig up someone's corpse and burn it so that another could be buried in that person's place. This disgusted Shakespeare, and he didn't want this type of disrespect after his death. His epitaph reads as follows: Good Friends, for Jesus' sake forbear, To dig the bones enclosed here! Blest be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones."
Journal#2 Use 5 of the following phrases to create a story. - one fell swoop – flesh and blood – vanish into thin air – pomp and circumstance – seen better days – a sorry sight – neither rhyme nor reason – full circle – dead as a doornail – for goodness sake – green-eyed monster Not a mouse was stirring In a pickle Not slept one wink Too much of a good thing Foul play
Use of disguises/ mistaken identity Multiple marriages (in comedies) Multiple murders (in tragedies) Last speaker—highest in rank (in tragedies)
What is the English that Shakespeare used?? It makes no sense…
Shakespeare’s Language Shakespeare did NOT write in “Old English.” Old English is the language of Beowulf:Beowulf Hwaet! We Gardena in geardagum Þeodcyninga Þrym gefrunon Hu ða æÞelingas ellen fremedon! (Hey! We have heard of the glory of the Spear- Danes in the old days, the kings of tribes, how noble princes showed great courage!)
Shakespeare’s Language Shakespeare did not write in “Middle English.” Middle English is the language of Chaucer, the author of The Canterbury Tales: Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
The General Prologue Original Middle English: Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Modern Translation When fair April with his showers sweet, Has pierced the drought of March to the root's feet And bathed each vein in liquid of such power, Its strength creates the newly springing flower;
Shakespeare’s Language Shakespeare wrote in “Early Modern English.” EME was not very different from “Modern English,” except that it had some old holdovers. The Shakespeare Glossary
Omissions Again, for the sake of his poetry, Shakespeare often left out letters, syllables, and whole words. These omissions really aren't that much different from the way we speak today. We say: "Been to class yet?" "No. Heard Miss T’s givin' a test." "Wha'sup wi'that?“ We leave out words and parts of words to speed up our speech. If we were speaking in complete sentences, we would say: "Have you been to class yet?" "No, I have not been to class. I heard that Ms. Torresani is giving a test today." "What is up with that?"
A few examples of Shakespearean omissions/contractions follow: 'tis ~ it is ope ~ open o'er ~ over gi' ~ give ne'er ~ never i' ~ in e'er ~ ever oft ~ often e'en ~ even
Shakespeare’s Poetry We speak in prose (language without metrical structure). Shakespeare wrote both prose and poetry (verse). To understand his poetry, we need to understand these terms: Blank Verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter. Iambic Pentameter: five beats of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables; ten syllables per line.Iambic Pentameter
Shakespeare’s Language Shakespeare coined many words we still use today: Critical Majestic Dwindle Fashionable Embrace (as a noun) Vulnerable
Shakespeare’s Language one fell swoop flesh and blood vanish into thin air pomp and circumstance seen better days a sorry sight neither rhyme nor reason full circle dead as a doornail for goodness sake green-eyed monster
Shakespeare’s Language A mix of old and very new Rural and urban words/images Understandable by the lowest peasant and the highest noble
Elizabethan Theatrical Conventions
A theatrical convention is a suspension of reality. No electricity Women forbidden to act on stage Minimal, contemporary costumes Minimal scenery These control the dialogue. Good dialogue is key!
Audience loves to be scared. Soliloquy- an extended speech, directed to the audience rather than to other characters, in which the speaker explores their thoughts and feelings. Aside- Words an actor speaks to the audience which other actors on the stage cannot hear. Sometimes the actor cups his mouth toward the audience or turns away from the other actors. An aside serves to reveal a character's thoughts or concerns to the audience without revealing them to other characters in a play. Types of speech Blood and gore Use of supernatural
Reading Shakespeare: A Review Unlocking Shakespeare's LanguageUnlocking Shakespeare's Language, by Randal Robinson Unusual Word Arrangements I ate the sandwich. I the sandwich ate. Ate the sandwich I. Ate I the sandwich. The sandwich I ate. The sandwich ate I. Robinson shows us that these four words can create six unique sentences which carry the same meaning. Locate the subject, verb, and the object of the sentence. Notice that the object of the sentence is often placed at the beginning (the sandwich) in front of the verb (ate) and subject (I). Rearrange the words in the order that makes the most sense to you (I ate the sandwich).