Tips: The more you read in English, the better you will do in this part of the exam. ( ) Try reading: newspaper articles, sports magazines, film reviews, romantic stories, children’s stories, travel information, translations of books you have read in Italian Don’t look up every word in the dictionary. Try to get the gist of what you are reading. Just look up anything that is essential for understanding. Keep a reading diary: note any useful expressions and write a couple of sentences in English about what you have read. FCE Reading Skills
Tips: In Part 1 of Paper One, read the text first without trying to answer any of the questions so that you understand what it is about. If you replace pronouns in the options (A, B, C or D) with the nouns they refer to in the text, it is easier to see the correct answer. Don’t look for the same word in the question and the text. Think of synonyms for words in the options, then choose the option that is closest in meaning to the text. FCE Reading Skills
Let’s practice making pos. & neg. verbs, pos. & neg. nouns, pos. & neg. adjectives, pos. & neg. adverbs attract patient normal happy approve possible belief dress FCE Use of English: word formation