What Do you Mean by Spare Part? Definition:- It Means a part or sub-assembly for substitution ready to replace identical or similar part or sub-assembly or assembly, Which becomes faulty or worn out includes an attachment. “Keeping Machines in Fit Condition calls for right spare part at right time in Right quantity”
Basic Consideration? As Per Darwin’s Theory of survival of fittest will apply here. The company which has got fittest machiney can survive in this competitive world of business. In the field of materials management, Raw Materials, components and sub assemblies are kept on the basis of consumption. These inventories are maintained so long as it pays to keep. Spare parts individually trifles. But also shortage and Non-availability of which will have much greater loss disproportion to their value.
Need for Scientific Management of Spare Parts:- Factors Which call for scientific Management of Spare Parts:- Random and unpredictable pattern of failure. Long lead time required for procurement. Non-availability of Special raw materials for manufacture of spare parts High Tendency for obsolescence. Most of the operating and maintenance personnel play safe and collect sorts of spare parts which may not be required for years to come.
Factors Influencing Spare Part Inventories? Determination of type and quantity of requirement of spare parts can be based on precise knowledge of:- (a) Type of maintenance and overall routine. (b) Behaviour of equipment in operation to obtain an idea of probable failure or break down etc.
Manufacturer’s Recommendations:- The Manufacturer’s lists of recommended spare parts are marginally useful. It Requires all around critical examination. There fore it is Necessary to study requirement of various types of spare parts on the following aspects:- 1) Initial Provisioning 2) Continuous Provision for replacement of worn out or defective parts 3) Limitation of shelf life.
Manufacturer’s Recommendations:- 4)Inordinately long lead times etc., necessitates drastic modification of conventional inventory models. 5)Type of industry or services, capital available etc .. 6)Last but not least that capital to be blocked in spare part inventory could be important constraint.
Classification of Spare Parts:- Spare Parts can be classified broadly on the basis of:- 1) Usage rate. 2) Functional Characteristics of spare parts. According to Usage Spare parts can be of two types based on Usage: 1) Regularly Used Spare Parts. 2) Irregularly Used Spare Parts.
Classification of Spare Parts:- Classification of Spare Parts on Movement analysis:- Fast Moving Slow Moving Non Moving General Classification of Spare Parts Based on Functional characteristics:- Risk Insurance spares Capital Spares Rotable Spare Overhauling Sapre & Regular Consumption Spare.