Experience of Saldus District Development Association, Latvia, at implementation of projects co-funded by Leader programme September, 2009.
The Map of Latvia (districts) Saldus District Development Association
Basic information about LAG - Saldus District Development Association Saldus District Development Association is founded on September 15, Founders: Saldus District Council NGO Farmers’ Association of Saldus District NGO Kurzeme Regional Health Promoting School Centre “ Kamols” Private company “Zvejnieki”, ltd., ( tourism) Agriculture Service Cooperative Society “ “ Kurzemes darzi”, Jaunlutrini rural area, Saldus district ( fruit, berries and vegetables) Saldus District Development Association has worked out Development Strategy for Saldus District and The main task: to realize Activities according to Development Strategy for Saldus District and Number of inhabitants per territory covered by LAG Number of NGO’s per territory covered by LAG - 120
Strategy LVL ,07 (1LVL =0,70 EUR) = Eur ,31 Strategy LVL ,11 = EUR ,97 Funding
Directions for project activities 1.Development of new nature and culture tourism products 2.Development of the traditional cultural heritage ( songs, dances, folklore heritage, culinary heritage ) into a tourism product 3. Training on how to develop a tourism marketing plan, attract and provide services to tourists 4.Measures to diversify offer of interest education, cultural and health promoting events 5. Measures to promote creation of aesthetic, comfortable and healthy life environment 6. Training, seminars, study tours to raise capacity of NGO’s, municipalities and SME’s
Saldus fruit-growers at study tour NGO “Farmers’ Association of Saldus District“ Training courses about commercial fruit –growing, cooperation possibilities at district and national level Field studies visiting other local fruit –growing farms inLatvia Study visit to Polish fruit -growers Presentation of the project Tasting of local sorts of apples
I Infrastructure for healthy life –style – basis to create a new tourism product NGO „Foreļu parks” ( Trout Park”) Main project activities: 1. Creation of the new healthy life style tourism offer; 2. building of the beach volley-ball ground, purchase of inventory; 3. creation of relevant facilities in the near-by territory, purchase of equipment; 4. Elabotation of activities plan and organisation of the competion for local volley-ball teams; II Development of a healthy life style tourism product Building of foot bridges, installation of lighting, along trout ponds Purchase of video safety recording equipment, trimmer and boats Purchase of PC Training of the staff members of the tourism object
Children’s Play-ground NGO "Mūsu ligzda“ ( Our Nest) To build a children’s play – ground in the territory between blocks of flats dwelling houses Acitivities: Building of the ground; Making and installing of the equipment; Making lawns and planting flowers and trees; Festive presentation of the play-ground
Renovated classroom,renovated electric lighting installations and lamps Computers and furniture purchased and installed Parents for their children Safe life environment NGO “Oāze” ( “Oasis”)
I Development of rooms for creative workshops II Reconstruction of the part of the building NGO “Saldus Old Aged People ” Reconstruction of the building owned by NGO “Saldus Old Aged People”: Reconstruction of the 2nd floor ( roof, walls, ceiling, floor, window and door frames )
I Accessibility of life –long learning offer to the inhabitants of Saldus district II Reconstruction of the rooms for training courses Training centre of Saldus district Reconstruction of computer classroom
Reveal your talents and bring joy to others LJMAIB 1. Purchase of musical instruments and equipment 2. Creation of local rural “musical note-book’ 3.Development of concert programme and staging of it 4. Musical education seminars combined with concerts in the rural areas
Building of football ground NGO -"Mēs - Jaunaucei“ ( “We – for Jaunauce”) Project results: Inventory purchased (gates, balls, tractor to plane and clean the ground; Building of the ground and putting in order of the near-by territory ( cleaning from bushes and stones, planing of the ground, making of the lawn) Local public activitities with parents, teachers and schoolchildren invited
Accessibility of education, culture and health promoting activities for local inhabitants NGO “Novadnieki Development” Reconstruction of the hall for local public activities – floor, walls and the stage
Training courses for Saldus tourism companies and tourist guides NGO “Saldus Tourism Association” To develop the basic knowledge and skills needed at tourism business, To promote development of new tourism offer, To produce informative materials for local tourism sector To raise compatibility of the tourism sector in Saldus district.
Informative materials and stands to attract tourists to Zvarde rural area ( former Soviet Army military aviation training range ) NGO "Zvārdenieki" 1. Printing of tourism maps and building of informative stands 2. Purchase of trimmers, shovels and rakes 3. Placing of informative stands
Choir “Saldava” in local folk costumes ( traditional women skirt purchased, concert programme for visitors prepared )
Come first to help ! NGO “Latvia Red Cross Local Committee” 1.Purchase of first aid equipment and inventory 2.Preparation of training materials and organisation of training seminars Folk dance as a cultural heritage tourism product NGO - Folk dance group “Bandava” 1.Purchase of folk costumes 2.Informative seminars combined with concert programmes From Granny’s Song Chest” NGO “My environment” 1.Purchase of sound technique 2. Training seminars and concert programme Building of camping place NGO “We – for Jaunauce” 1.Purchase of sports and lawn-keeping inventory 2.Cleaning of the pond 3.Planting of trees, bushes 4.Making of street-ball ground, beach volley-ball ground, fire-place, camping place, skate-ground and other objects
Safe and breath-taking summer – what can compete to that ! NGO “Oasis” Seminars and practical training about safe activities in open nature
Improvement of camping places at Zaņa water-mill lake NGO “Zaņa Fishermen’s Association 1.Making of lawns and facilities along the lake shore 2. Purchase and building of summer cottage 3.Purchase of boats and building of foot bridges
Adventure tourisn in Jaunmuiža NGO “Latvian Young Scouts” 1.Renovation of the facade of the local museum 2. Training how to develop a tourism programme
Support to NGO capacity building – foundation for long-term successful activities NGO “Kurzeme regional health promoting schools centre “Kamols”’ Purchase of IT, presentation and office equipment
Knowing and confident teenagers’parents NGO “Psychologic support centre “On the same road”” 1.Purchase of office, IT and presentation equipment 2.Preparation of materials for lectures, organisation of lectures
Training and dwelling centre of the former military aviation training range – creation of a tourism attraction object NGO “We – Zvārde people” Renovation of part of the building and and purchase of equipment
Programming period Call I: Measure “Diversification of rural economy and improvement of life – quality in the territory covered by local development strategies” 24 projects submitted
Projects submitted by Saldus District Development Association Planning and management of project budget, NGO projects – funded by CEMEX project foundation, completed Training of NGO book-keepers – funded by CEMEX project foundation, completed Implementation of life-long learning programmes in sectors of arts and music – EEZ/Norway funding - completed
Cooperation and study visits Study visits to Corsica ( France), Portugal, Finland Cooperation agreements with LAGs from Lithuania and Estonia Local study visits and exchange of experience in Latvia
Saldus District Development Association Council Chairman Sarmīte Ozoliņatel ; Executive Manager Sandra Fridrihsone tel ;