Impact on the host country By Emily Hill & Leah Wood
The Positives and Negatives of Immigration into the Uk. The immigration into the UK that took place between 1950 and A lot of time has passed for us to see and understand its impact. The positive economic impacts are: It met the shortage of unskilled and semi- skilled labour. It played an important part in the post war reconstruction of the country. The negative economic impacts are: Public money had to be spent on meeting the everyday needs of the immigrants and their families such as housing, schools, healthcare etc. When the economy went into recession in the 1970s, these immigrants added to the burden of unemployment.
Social impacts It is clear that the immigration created great tension. The Uk was not used to having sizeable ethnic groups in its population. Negatives for immigrants: The immigrants were abused, and as consequences, they tended to settle in particular areas, for the personal security. Negatives for the UK: Immigrants became segregated, to form “Ghettos” in areas of rundown housing in the inner areas of town and cities. Immigrant housing.
Discrimination The British public think that the immigrants are taking there jobs, so they take notice of this by making a protest. As you see on the left hand side the picture shows British workers protesting about there jobs. As they think that the immigrants have taken all there jobs.
Actions against discrimination. Discrimination has been made illegal. UK law now states that all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, should enjoy equal opportunities. Slowly, most white people have come to realise that they are threatened by immigrants. But however there are positives as well as negatives.
Work Within host countries, foreign- owned firms almost always pay higher wages than domestically- owned firms. Most of the immigrants own business such as corner shops they provide food from there countries (takeaways)
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