What it was like to live in Boston in the past. The history of Boston
Introduction to Boston’s history Boston began about 900 years ago, as a small market town at the end of the 11 th century. The town was first called Botolphs town until the year 1400 when the name was shortened to Boston. Boston is still a busy town with markets held every Wednesday and Saturday.
Events In 1607 William Brewster and William Broudford determined to exit the country illegally and seek religious freedom in the low countries. This group later became known as the Pilgrim Fathers. In 1571 the whole of Boston was devastated by flooding which reached half way up Boston Stump. Henry VIII’s court reported it happened because the fen banks were neglected. In 1848 the railway first came to Boston. In 1754 the first Bank opens in Boston, the building later to become what is now lloyds TSB.
Important people Jean Ingelow was born 13 th March 1820 and died She wrote poetry, novels and children’s stories. She is best remembered for writing the poem ‘The high tide on the coast of Lincolnshire’. Herbert Ingram was born in 1811 in Boston. He founded the London illustrated news, one of the first newspapers with pictures. Arthur Lucan was born in 1885 and died He gained fame as Old Mother Riley on stage, radio and screen. Her starred in a series of comedy films between the late 1930’s and early 1950’s.
Important buildings Boston Guildhall was built in the 1390’s. It is one of the first brick buildings in Lincolnshire. First it was used as a religious Guildhall then as a town hall,a museum and also as a British restaurant during World War II. It is now a museum where you can find out about Boston's past. You can even get married here. Boston parish church also known as “The Stump. It was built between 1309 and The tower was added later it was built between 1430 and The church is still used as a place of worship and is one of the biggest parish churches in England.
Transport in our area In the 18 th century the waterways were very important as this was the easiest way to transport goods such as cereal and cotton. This was done by boat as most of the fens were yet to be drained. Because of it’s location next to the Wash the main transport to the area in the port was by ship. In 1203 Boston was the busiest port in the country after London. The railway came into Boston in In the beginning of the 19 th century the main mode of transportation was the horse and carriage. It wasn’t until the latter part of the century that railways changed peoples lives and habits. But even after the advent of the railway remote areas still relied on the horse for local transport. Following is a brief summary of the types of vehicles used to get around. In 1884 the new Boston docks were built down river greatly boosting business. In 1897 Boston docks became one of the first in the country to be lit by electricity.