Chp 12 Test
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People Misc. Stuff True or False and Why Voca- bulary or EssayFinal Final Matching
Those who made their living as fur trappers. Who is…? People for $100
Mountain men Back to Game
First settlers after trappers that helped settle Oregon Country. Who are…? People for $200
Missionaries Back to Game
What are…? People for $300 This group took the law into their own hands in Gold Rush society.
Back to Game Vigilantes
He claimed the United States Manifest destiny as the right to expand its territory across North America in a newspaper and magazine. Who is…? People for $400
John O’Sullivan Good Answer! Back to Game
This man led over 20,000 Mormons to the desert City which settled Salt Lake City. He becomes Utah’s first territorial governor. Who is…? People for $500
Back to Game Brigham Young As head of the Mormon Church and architect of the Mormon colony in Utah, Brigham Young was almost sole author of one of the most important chapters in the history of the American West.
This was the last country to challenge the United States’s control of Oregon country What is..? Misc. Stuff for $100
Back to Game Great Britain
This meant that people from both Great Britain and the United States could settle in Oregon country. What is…? Misc. Stuff for $200
Joint Occupation Back to Game
On March 2, 1836, the people of Texas in a convention assembly declared this document. What is..? Misc. Stuff for $300
Back to Game The Texas Declaration of Independence
Who is…? The Tennessee backwoodsman who died at the Alamo. Misc. Stuff for $400
Davy Crockett Back to Game
What is…? Misc. Stuff for $500 The United States insisted that this was the border with Mexico and Mexico insisted this as the border.
Rio Grande for USA Nueces River for Mexico Back to Game
What was…? Matching for $100 The way to Oregon country.
Oregon Trail Back to Game
Matching for $200 Daily Double James K. Polk’s Whig opponent In Who is
Matching for $200 Daily Double Back to Game Henry Clay
Who is…? Matching for$300 African American who called the war with Mexico “disgraceful” and “cruel”.
Back to Game Fredrick Douglas
What is…? Matching for $400 Price of Mexican Cession and the Price of Gadsden Purchase.
Back to Game 15 Million for Mexican Cession 10 Million for Gadsden Purchase
Who is…? Matching for $500 Ordered Texans’ execution
Back to Game Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna After his return to Mexico, Santa Anna participated in the Mexican War and in 1853 sold territory to the United States including that area known as the Gadsden Purchase.
What is…? True or False and Why $100 The United States bought California and New Mexico territory from Mexico although Mexico won the war.
False; USA won the war! Back to Game
What is…? True or False and Why for 200 Mexico offered large tracts of fertile land to American settlers at low prices. In return, the settlers agreed to adopt the Mexican culture.
Back to Game True; the settlers did agree to adopt the Mexican culture.
What is…? True or False and Why for 300. The Battle of the Alamo was between the Mexican government and Texans that were fighting for independence from Mexico.
Back to Game True: The American Texans took over the town on San Antonia.
What is…? True or False and Why for 400 Gold was discovered in Oregon and California in 1848 which caused over a 100,000 people rush to Oregon Territory.
False: Discovered in California which created people to rush to California not Oregon Territory. Back to Game
What is…? True or False and Why for 500 Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church but he was killed by an angry mob. Afterwards,Brigham Young led many Mormon’s to Oregon Territory where they established the city of Salt Lake City.
True: Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church but Brigham Young led the Mormon settlers to Utah. Back to Game
What is…? Vocabulary for $100 Today, the city of Deseret is called this.
Salt Lake City Back to Game
What is…? Vocabulary for $200 Reports of this persuaded many Americans to settle in Oregon country.
Fertile Land Back to Game
What is…? Essay for $300 How did president James K. Polk get Americans to go to war with Mexico
Back to Game Building a fort on the Rio Grande which is a disputed boundary between the USA and Mexico. Mexico claimed it was the Nueces River.
What is…? Essay for $400 Who was Dr. Whitman and why was he killed?
Back to Game Whitman was a missionary in Oregon country and he was killed by Indians because the fear of the deadly measles.
What is…? Essay for $500 Place the following events in order. 1.Britain and United States has joint occupation of the Oregon Territory. 2.Polk becomes President 3.United States purchase Mexican cession from Mexico 4.California Gold Rush begins 5.Texas becomes a state.
Back to Game 1.Britain and United States has joint occupation of the Oregon Territory Polk becomes President Texas becomes a state California Gold Rush begins California becomes a State 1850
Final Jeopardy Which people made huge profits during the Gold Rush?