HAZADR Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea INSTITUTE OF MARINE BIOLOGY MONTENEGRO Kick off meeting Bari, January 2013
INSTITUTE OF MARINE BIOLOGY KOTOR institutional profile 1.Institute for Marine Biology is consisted of following laboratories: General biology and protection of the sea; Chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology; Development centre and mariculture; Ichthyology and marine fisheries; Neurobiology and ecophysiology. CENTER FOR MONITORING AND PROTECTION COASTAL SEA OF MONTENEGRO In Institute currently works: 7 Doctors of Science Research counsellors, 5 Master of Sciences, 7 PhD Students, 3 Trainees.
INSTITUTE OF MARINE BIOLOGY KOTOR institutional profile Biokotor has gained a large experience in EU projects: MAMA project-Mediterranean network to assess and upgrade monitoring and forecasting activity in the region EVR-1-CT-2001 ADRICOSM-Ext-Adriatic Sea Integrated Coastal Areas and River Basin Management System pilot project extension –funded under IOC – Unesco Programme COWAMA project Coastal Water Management funded under Adriatic- NNP INTERREG/CARDS/Phare ADRICOSM STAR-Adriatic sea integrated Coastal areas and river basin Management system: Montenegro coastal area and Bojana river catchment ( ) ECOPORT8-Environmental Management of Transborder Corridor, SEE Programe TEN_ECOPORT -Environmental Management of Transborder Corridor, SEE pro. SEADATANET II- Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management,
Main threats to your coasts due to technological hazards or needs Which are the most serious threast menacing your coastal areas (high risky- vessels traffic, presence of vulnerable zones, lack of contincency plans…) or needs (lack of equipments in case of oil spill..)? Vulnerable zones Shipyard Bijela in Bokokotorska Bay Port of Bar
Our contribution to HAZADR ADRICOSM-STAR SEA MONITORING STATIONS SEASONAL National Coastal Monitoring and MED POL Stations MONTHLY
Shelf Offshore During winter the offshore current drives the shelf and coastal circulation During summer the circulation is disjoint
Data bases
Ecological incident – July 17, 2001.
Environmental aspects in Port of Bar with a high significance rate: 1.Loading liquid cargo 2.Loading bulk cargo 3.Storing usefull waste
Our contribution to HAZADR Development plans in Port of Bar Operative unit for environmental protection
Venue, Town, COUNTRY Day, DD Month YYYY TITLE OF EVENT Automatic station for water quality in port of Bar
Institute of Marine Biology is a member of: MOONGOOS MEDITERAN OCEOANOGRAPHY NETWORK for the Global Ocean Observing System REMPEC (Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea) REMPEC and MOONGOOS MOU a Draft of National Contigency Plan of Montenegro has been prepared with the aid of RAMPEC The Ministry of Maririme Affairs is responsible to marine pollution from oil Operational firm for work is Maritime Safety Department based in Bar
Thank You for your attention!