Robotic Radiation Oncology Robotic Radiation Oncology Conor Judge 4 th BE Electronic and Computer
Original Objectives This project aims to develop a proof of concept system, that will : –Track a golf ball using cameras –Control the position of a light so that it follows the golf ball The golf ball represents a tumour and the light represents the beam of radiation.
Achieved to date Image Acquisition –Image, Video and live stream have been captured using the Image acquisition Toolbox in MatLab Image Processing –Performed necessary tasks to work with the acquired images using the Image Processing Toolbox.
Achieved to date Ball tracking –Using edge detection, edge linking and a circle fit, least mean squared algorithm, the ball has been accurately tracked Example of image processing pipeline
Achieved to date Robotic Control –Used a Parallax Servo controller to control the pan and tilt turret from MatLab –Experienced Issues with USB to serial converter, solved with a new servo controller controlling a USB controller chip on it.
Achieved to date Implemented a camera follow ball scenario –This setup tests various elements of the system such as the image processing pipeline and the robotic control.
Remaining Work Image Acquisition –Import two live video streams –Possible risk of system not being capable of such a task Image Processing –Improve Image Processing pipe line by reducing false positive results
Remaining Work Create a self contained demonstration unit, using Lego Mindstorms NXT to test and demonstrate the system Investigate the theoretical integration of Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy (IMRT) into the system