Project implementation, changes, reporting Edmunds Sniķeris Joint Technical Secretariat 16 April 2012, Kuldīga.


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Presentation transcript:

Project implementation, changes, reporting Edmunds Sniķeris Joint Technical Secretariat 16 April 2012, Kuldīga

Project Implementation 2 Key aspects: Application Form Feasibility Study Cost estimations Technical Project Specifications of equipment Project results = Project monitoring and control

Monitoring 3 Programme level Progress reports every 6 months, Project visits by the JTS, construction experts Project Level Constantly by the Lead Partner/periodically by the Steering Group

Changes in projects Minor deviations that are not considered as Project changes: Changes in contact info, minor rescheduling, deviations from the spending targets, small deviations from specifications, changes between the costs of items within one budget line and work package. Project have to make changes: 1.Project Partnership; 2.Budget Reallocation; 3.Project Activities and Outputs; 4.Modification of the Duration of the reporting Period; 5.Prolongation of the Project Duration. 4 Can be reported as „deviations ‟ to the JTS through the Progress Report Request for changes procedure - section “How to Implement”

Budget rellocation Requirements:  reallocation must be justified;  cannot request to increase the ERDF co-financing;  foster more efficient achievement of project objectives and results;  the project can reallocate the budget between the BLs and/or work packages up to 30% of the total eligible project budget;  as an exception, changes exceeding 30% reallocation between BLs/work packages are to be considered by the JMSC. 5 As a rule, the budget reallocation can be requested only once during the project implementation. Only in well justified cases, the project can apply for subsequent budget reallocation.

Project Activities and Outputs Following cases are possible:  increase/decrease amount of the existing project output, extension/reduction of range of the existing activity (considerable change of the project output/activity that was initially planned in the project application);  creation of a new project output and/or activity (inclusion of new output and/or activity that was not previously planned in the project application). 6

Project Changes Procedure 7 It is strongly recommended to consult with the JTS before submitting request for changes! 1. LP sends electronic version of the request for changes, AF, FS, technical documents, budget reallocation to the JTS 2.Harmonization of documents 3.LP sends paper version of harmonized documents 4.Decision taking process: JMSC, MA, JTS 5.Notification Letter to the LP 6.If changes are approved – LP sends updated Application Form and Feasibility Study 7.Addendum of Subsidy Contract is signed

Construction works

Information to the JTS 9 According to the Subsidy Contract (Paragraph 5; Point 6.18.) Lead Partner is responsbile for submission of all the PPs’ calendars for the planned construction/renovation works to the responsible project manager of the JTS within 2 weeks after the contract on construction/renovation works is signed by including: 1.the start date of the works; 2.location; 3.deadlines; 4.Indicative payment plan.

Changes in construction works Small deviations from the works and amounts planned in the technical documentation as sub-items in the cost estimation for planned (re)construction works could be eligible if total amount for works does not exceed the planned in the project application:  LP/PP prepares acts on changes;  Submits acts to the first level controller;  in case there are any doubts if it is small deviation or additional (re)construction works JTS could be contacted for exhaustive explanation. 10

Changes in construction works Unexpected works:  During the (re)construction works, unexpected works are possible and such works are being evaluated by controllers on case by case bases (could be harmonised as deviations);  Acts, where justification of changes is described, should be submitted by PPs to controllers. 3.Additional works → If additional works have to be implemented by the project partners, LP shall submit Request for Changes in accordance with existing procedure ( 11

Reporting Procedure  Six-months Reporting Periods (RP):  PP sends to the FLC Partner Reports: 10 days after the end of the RP  LP submits filled Progress Report to the FLC 2 weeks (latest) before deadline for submission to the JTS  In 3 months after the end of the RP the LP submits Progress Report to the JTS  1 November – 30 April  1 May – 31 October  1 November – 30 April  1 May – 31 October 12

Reporting Procedure 13

Reporting/ Payment Procedure Lead Partner PP 1 PP 2 PP 3 Pre-filled Reporting Form Within 3 months after the end of Reporting Period Progress Report Preparation of payment CACA Payment JTS Answers Full check of PR Max period for check & clarification 6 months after submission 70% payment, if 1st check of PR is passed Clarification 14

Forms Forms:  JTS sends out a pre-filled Progress Report form to LP  Partner report, timesheet, list of participants form available as attachment to FLC guidelines 15

Reporting LP sends the following documents to the JTS:  Original Certificate of Proficiency of the LP Controller  Copies of Confirmations of all the PP’s controllers Verified Progress Report:  Signed by LP and FLC  In electronic and paper version  In English language Information provided in the PR should be comparable with information provided in the AF. 16

Reporting LP sends the following supporting documents to the JTS:  Events documents (e.g. agenda, list of participants with signatures for each day, photos, see full list in PM, )  Copies of outputs produced (e.g. studies, press articles, leaflets, pictures of infrastructure, recordings of TV or radio broadcasts, etc.) 17