Protection of knowledge in the shipbuilding industry a follow-up of LeaderSHIP 2015 Rotterdam Workshop 04 February 2010
Structure of the presentation Why is the protection of intellectual property so important in the current situation? Where are we coming from – How does this workshop fit into the context of previous activities? What is the role of the European Commission in the domain of IPR? What do we expect from this workshop? What is the best way forward? What are the critical requirements from an industry perspective?
Why is the protection of IPR so important in the current situation? The crisis leads to fiercer competition; the temptation to break the rules increases Restructurings and « consolidation » will result in a further change of supply chains and to a massive transfer of know-how Europes position as a technology leader is at risk Future innovations in areas of growth are only possible if enterprises are able to recover the costs Conclusion: The protection of intellectual property has not become easier but it is more relevant than ever before
Where are we coming from? How does this workshop fit into the context of previous activities? LeaderShip 2003, conclusions on IPR: « Raise awareness on intellectual property, better use of existing instruments and ensure that our competitors play by the rules » European Commission, Shipbuilding IPR Study « An analysis of problems relating to the protection of Intellectual Property Rights of the European shipbuilding industry »
Where are we coming from? (2) Topics addressed in the IPR shipbuilding study What is intellectual property from a legal point of view? To what extent does this match with the sectors view on innovativeness? Which examples of IPR infringement can be given? How wide-spread is the infringement problem and what is the sense-of-urgency? What does this mean in economic terms? What can be done to overcome the problems? Does this require changes in the legal framework?
Where are we coming from? (3) Recent initiatives and conclusion Lunchtime seminar /workshop on IPR in shipbuilding in the International Maritime Organisation, November 2008 IPR has become a global issue and the relation between safety, environmental protection and the intellectual property rights of enterprises has been acknowledged Industry has taken own initiatives, for example GUARDSHIP Conclusion: A lot has been done and awareness has been created, but the problem is far from solved
The European Commission and IPR 1.Protection of IPR in the European Union Creating a legal framework for the protection of IPR is a constant major element in the creation of the Internal Market (A horizontal policy for which Directorate General Internal Market is in the lead; 2_en.htm) 2_en.htm Communication An industrial property strategy for Europe (2008): Main topics are counterfeiting and product piracy, functionality of the patent system and SMEs (see ex_en.htm)
The European Commission and IPR 2.International activities Representation of the EU in the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), example: Agreement on Trade related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), IPR are a very important component of international trade policy and a necessary complement of trade liberalisation in multilateral and bilateral agreements (see opportunities/trade-topics/intellectual-property/) opportunities/trade-topics/intellectual-property/
The European Commission and IPR 2.International activities – Assistance for enterprises The Commission has established numerous programmes to assist enterprises in enforcing their rights in third countries. The most prominent case is China where DG Enterprise and Industry has established as well a specific helpdesk for SMEs (see: iew=section&layout=blog&id=12&Itemid=89; and iew=section&layout=blog&id=12&Itemid=89 Comparable initiatives on a smaller scale exist in many countries.
What do we expect from this workshop? First of all intensive and frank discussions on experience made and Orientation for further work in the interest of enterprises