1 NOVEMBER 14, 2013
Introductions Emily Linde Division of Grants Policy (DGP) Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) 2 Maria Koszalka Division of Grants Policy (DGP) Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)
Introductions Scarlett Gibb Customer Relationship Manager eRA (Electronic Research Administration) 3 Melissa Daley Requirements Analyst eRA (Electronic Research Administration)
NIH PO and GM Staff November 14, 2013, 10:00-11:30 (training webinar) Federal Demonstration Partnership Institutions November 14, 2013, 1:30-3:00 pm EDT (training webinar) 4 RPPR Phase II Pilot November 2013 Will begin with the November 7 th eRA release
RPPR Background Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Mandated by OMB and OSTP Developed by the Research Business Models (RBM) Subcommittee Federal-wide uniform research and research-related progress report Objectives: reduce administrative burden on grantees standardize information required by federal agencies NIH RPPR: Replaced PHS 2590 (SNAPs) and PHS (Fs) Will replace PHS 2590 (non-SNAPs) 5
NIH RPPR User Guide –Updated November 7, 2013 –Available at NIH.gov under NIH Forms & Applications 6
NIH RPPR Implementation Timeline 7 SNAP and F RPPR - Pilot April 2012 Non-SNAP RPPR - Pilot SNAP and F RPPR - Required Multi-Year Funded RPPR - Required Non-SNAP RPPR - Required Fed-wide Final RPPR July 2013 February 2014 (anticipated) November 2013 October 2014 SBIR/STTR Fast-Track Phase I RPPR (T-4) TBD TBD
NIH RPPR Types and Instructions 8 Type Activity CodesRPPR Instructions R01-like D71, DP1, DP5, G08, G11, G13, P40, R00, R01, R03, R18, R21, R33, R34, R36, R37, R56, RC1, RC2, RL1, S21, S22 SC1, SC2, SC3, U1B, UC2, UH1, UH2, UH3 6.1 Instructions for RPPR Sections A-H Ks K01, K02, K05, K06, K07, K08, K18, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K99, KL1 7.1 Individual Career Development (K) Awards Fellowships F05, F30, F31, F32, F337.2 Fellowship Awards SBIR/STTRs R41, R42, R43, R44, U43, U44, UT1, UT27.3 SBIR/STTR Awards Training K12, KL2, RL9, R90, T15, T32, T34, T35, T37, T90, TL1 7.4 Training Awards Education D43, DP7, K30, R13, R25, RL5, T14, T36, U13, U2R 7.5 Educational Awards “Complex” G12, M01, P01, P20, P30, P41, P42, P50, P51, P60, P2C, PL1, PM1, PN1, PN2, R24, R28, RM1, S06, S11, U01, U10, U19, U24, U34, U41, U42, U45, U54, U56, U2C, UC7, UL1, UM1, UM2 7.6 Multi-Project Awards and Single- Project Awards with Complicated Structure Multi-Year Funded C06, DP2, DP3, DP4, G20 (ARRA only), KM1, R15, R55, RC3, RC4, RF1, UA5, UC4, UC6, UF1 (Estimated February 2014)
RPPR Structure – 8 Sections A.Cover Page B.Accomplishments C.Products D.Participants E.Impact F.Changes G.Special (Agency) Reporting Requirements H.Budget SF 424 (R&R) budget –Used for all RPPR types PHS 398 Training budget –Used for some Training awards only 9
Single-Project RPPRs (e.g., R01) 10 Type Activity CodesRPPR Instructions R01-likeD71, DP1, DP5, G08, G11, G13, P40, R00, R01, R03, R18, R21, R33, R34, R36, R37, R56, RC1, RC2, RL1, S21, S22, SC1, SC2, SC3, U1B, UC2, UH1, UH2, UH3 6.1 Instructions for RPPR Sections A-H
Single-Project RPPR: Demo 11
Training RPPRs 12 Type Activity CodesRPPR Instructions TrainingK12, KL2, RL9, R90,T15, T32, T34, T35, T37, T90, TL1 7.4 Training RPPRs
Training RPPR: Demo 13
“Complex” RPPRs (e.g., P01, U01) “Complex” RPPRs (e.g., P01, U01) 14 Type Activity CodesRPPR Instructions “Complex”G12, M01, P01, P20, P30, P41, P42, P50, P51, P60, P2C, PL1, PM1, PN1, PN2, R24, R28, RM1, S06, S11, U01, U10, U19, U24, U34, U41, U42, U45, U54, U56, U2C, UC7, UL1, UM1, UM2 7.6 Multi-Project RPPRs and Single-Project RPPRs with Complicated Structure
Single Project with Complicated Structure Single Project with Complicated Structure (e.g.,UM1) Activity codes with single budget, but complex structure Current RPPR with Section H Budget Activity codes currently used as both single & multi-project (when used as single project) 15
Single-Project with Complicated Structure* RPPR: Demo 16
Terminology Multi-Project RPPR: A progress report submitted for a funded program (activity code) which has multiple, interrelated components that share a common focus or objective. A “component” (for the purposes of applications and progress reports) is a distinct, reviewable part of a multi-project application or progress report for which there is a business need to gather detailed information identified in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA). Components typically include general information (component organization, project period, project title, etc.), performance sites, personnel, and budget. The FOA defines the construction and naming convention for the application; the funded application defines the construction and naming convention for the progress report. 17
Multi-Project RPPRs Multi-Project RPPRs The RPPR will include all activity codes that have been coded to have multiple components. Multi-project (e.g., P01, P30) Projects with more than one component RPPR structure RPPR questions at overall project level RPPR questions at the component level Questions not applicable to component E.g., Publications, Websites, Inventions, Participants, Inclusion/Enrollment, Unobligated Balance 18
Multi-Project RPPR: Demo 19
RPPR PDF eRA Commons generates PDF of report upon submission to NIH Report will follow the order and organization of submitted RPPR Responses to overall RPPR Bookmarked by section and attachment Components Identified by grantee Bookmarked by component name, section and attachment Report provides high level questions and grantee responses (for ease of use) Report available in eRA Commons 20
Items for Consideration Checking for errors NIH RPPR Instruction Guide, Section 5.3 Program Guidelines [FOR NIH STAFF ONLY] Provide consistent IC guidelines for completing RPPRs 21
Public Access Policy NIH will delay processing Type 5s that are not compliant with the public access policy. Bringing papers into compliance: –Use My NCBI’s My BibliographyMy NCBI –Process may take several weeks PD/PIs must collaborate with project leads and supported authors to ensure all papers are in My Bibliography and thus linked to the RPPR. For additional resources: see
Public Access Policy (cont.) Compliance indicated in RPPR Section C.1 or the PHS 2590 PDF report generated by My NCBIPDF report –(A sample report is available online)sample report Notifications of Public Access non-compliance –Automatically sent to grantees for RPPRs –Manually sent by POs to grantees for PHS 2590s Awardees must provide evidence of compliance with the public access policy to receive an award Additional resources available at and NIH Extramural Staff page Extramural Staff Direct questions to 23
RPPR Resources RPPR Webpage: RPPR Instruction Guide, archived training materials, FAQs NIH Guide Notices: NOT-OD , NOT-OD , NOT-OD NOT-OD NOT-OD NOT-OD For NIH Staff Only: Internal FAQs Contacts: Division of Grants Policy: eRA Commons Helpdesk: or
Additional Resources Biomedical Workforce Activity Code Information : Public Access Public Access Intranet page [for NIH staff] 25
Questions? 26 Thank you