Work to Date Analysis Work –Random Vibration Analysis of RICH2 Structure PSD data from LEP Tunnel (Including affect of large ventilation system) Excitations.


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Presentation transcript:

Work to Date Analysis Work –Random Vibration Analysis of RICH2 Structure PSD data from LEP Tunnel (Including affect of large ventilation system) Excitations applied to Structure Base in UX, UY and UZ directions Baseline (Drawing 62 - TDR) Geometry Used with : –Stainless Steel Box Sections x 100 x 6 mm –Assumed 11.2 Tonnes Magnetic Shielding - Each Side Still awaiting measurements from Pit 8 Mechanical Design Work –Stainless Steel Box Section Availability x 100 x 6 mm Initially Chosen –Build 3D Parametric CAD Model in Pro/Engineer Continuous Modifications to Baseline Design STATUS OF RICH2 MECHANICS

Ongoing and Future Work Random Vibration Analysis using Pit 8 Measurements Low Mass Entrance and Exit Window Design –Meeting at NIKHEF (late January - tentatively) for discussions on clearance between T10 / T11 and RICH2 Integration of Magnetic Shielding / Detector Assemblies and Mirror Panels –Further Discussions at Next Engineering Meeting 12/02/01 Develop Suitable Window Seal Design