MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY Howard Gardiner- Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Get out a paper and put your name and hour at the top. Also, put the heading of Multiple Intelligences. Fold the paper in half the hamburger way. Then fold it in half the hamburger way again. Then you’ll have a paper with four boxes on the front and four on the back. Number the boxes 1-8.
I think “smart” means…. Box # 1 What does “smart” mean?
Box # 2 Who decides if a person is smart and how is it determined? Smart is determined by ____ and they use _______ to decide.
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory “It’s not how smart you are; it’s how you are smart.” Linguistic Intelligence: Word Smart Musical Intelligence: Music Smart Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Logic/Math Smart Spatial Intelligence: Picture Smart Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence: Body Smart Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self Smart Interpersonal Intelligence: People Smart Naturalistic Intelligence: Nature/Reality Smart
Look at the eight intelligences (“smarts”) on the wall above the screen. Which ONE do you predict will be your strongest area? Take your best guess.
Box # 3 I think my strength is ______ smart and ______ others did too.
Locate with your eyes, the white sign that represents the area you guessed would be your strongest. Go and stand as close to you can to the sign. Take only yourself. Leave all your stuff at your desk.
Complete the Survey
Part I Complete each section by placing a “1” next to each statement you feel accurately describes you. If you do not identify with a statement, leave the space provided blank. Then total the column in each section. Section 1 __1__ I enjoy categorizing things by common traits (making lists) _____ Ecological issues are important to me (ecological means the relationship between living things and the environment they live in) __1__ Hiking and camping are enjoyable activities _____ I enjoy working on a garden _____ I believe preserving our National Parks is important _____ Putting things in order by their importance makes sense to me __1__ Animals/ pets are important in my life _____ My home has a recycling system in place _____ I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology __1__ I spend a great deal of time outdoors __4__ TOTAL for Section 1 X10 = _____40______
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8
BOX # 4 My strengths are…. (scores of ) I am OK in …. (scores of 40-70) I need to stretch myself in…. (scores of 0-30)
Box # 5 I found out that I am ________ smart and ____ others are too. Look at your highest strength. Go and stand under the sign.
Box # 1 revisited The dictionary definition of “smart” is mentally alert or bright.
What is an “intelligence” according to Howard Gardner?
Gardner says, “An intelligence is an ability to solve problems and/or create solutions.” Each of us is born with all of these intelligences, but individuals tend to develop those valued most by their culture (home, school, church, community). They also tend to favor those that most closely fit their own personal mental wiring (learning style). To truly prepare a student to be successful in life ALL students need to develop ALL their intelligences.
First & Last Name Hour Multiple Intelligences page 2 Nature Smart- Naturalistic Intelligence Word Smart- Linguistic Intelligence Music Smart Musical Intelligence Picture Smart Spatial Intelligence
For each intelligence, write down the following: What 2 things could you do more of to increase in this area? #1 #2 What would punished a person with a strength in this area? (punishment ) Why would we want them at a party? (party+) Why would we not want them at a party? (party -)
Naturalistic Intelligence: Nature/ Reality Smart likes to hike, camp and be outdoors enjoys caring for and interacting with animals cares about environmental issues enjoys identifying and classifying different plants, flowers & animals enjoys growing things (flowers, gardens, etc.) appreciates the impact of nature on people understands the impact of people on nature (carbon footprint) wants a practical application of knowledge
Linguistic Intelligence: Word Smart most essential for success in school likes to write likes to tell jokes and stories has a good memory for names, places, dates, or trivia enjoys reading books Learns new words spells easily and accurately appreciates rhymes, tongue twisters, the sounds and rhythms of language likes playing games such as crossword puzzles or Scrabble
Musical Intelligence: Music Smart intelligence least valued by our culture play a musical instrument and/or sings remember melodies of songs tell you when a musical note is off key say they need to have music in order to study collects music sing songs to themselves notices background and environmental sounds keep time rhythmically to music sensitive to melody and tune
Spatial Intelligence: Picture Smart spends free time engaged in art activities likes to draw or doodle uses color to organize things Sees clear visual images when thinking or reading about something (they can picture it in their head) likes to be shown movies, or photographs that are well done easily reads maps, charts, and diagrams draws accurate representations of people or things enjoys jigsaw puzzles or mazes daydreams a lot likes to draw, build and design enjoys pattern and geometry in math
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 This is the way a Picture Smart person might fill in the graph. Notice that the score for # 4 is 100%.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Logic/Math Smart most valued by our culture can compute arithmetic problems quickly in their head enjoy computer games and puzzles like Sudoku ask questions like, “Where does the universe end?” or “When did time begin?” Play chess checkers or other strategy games and win reason things out logically, clearly & systematically devise experiments to test out things they don’t understand notices and uses numbers, shapes and patterns organizes thoughts
Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence: Body Smart loves to learn by doing does well in competitive sports engages in physical activities such as swimming, biking, hiking, skateboarding needs to have frequent contact with others, especially when talking to them enjoy scary amusement park rides demonstrates skill in “hands-on” activities like woodworking, sewing, or carving can imitate other peoples gestures, mannerisms or behaviors move, twitch, tap, or fidget while sitting in a chair (they’re just wiggly) coordinated and agile
Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self Smart independent and strong-willed has and expresses strong opinions on controversial subjects seems to live in their own private, inner world; daydreams likes to be alone to complete projects and pursue interests and hobbies seems to have a deep sense of self-confidence marches to the beat of their own drum (doesn’t feel a need to dress, act or behave like everyone else) self motivated; sets and achieves personal goals knows their own strengths and weaknesses is insightful and reflective
Interpersonal Intelligence: People Smart enjoys group games and learning situations understands the feelings of others; sympathetic has lots of friends prefers group problem solving can mediate conflicts at school and at home understands and recognizes stereotypes and prejudices volunteers help when others need it socializes a great deal at school or around the neighborhood gets involved in after school activities
Box 6: Set a goal to turn one of your weak areas into a strong one. My goal is to improve my ___ smart by… What was the most interesting or surprising thing you learned about Multiple Intelligences? Explain why. The most interesting/surprising thing I learned about Multiple Intelligences was…
Can teachers teach to ALL of the intelligences ALL of the time?
Box 7: What do I do when my teacher doesn’t teach the way I learn?