Maori Suicide Prevention All Age Strategy KIA PIKI O TE ORA
Goal 1 Promote mental health and wellbeing and prevent mental health problems Trina Markland Project Manager He Oranga Pounamu Otautahi
How will Goal 1 Prevent Mental Health Problems for Maori? Strengthening - ‘I’ dentity Whanau Identity Secure Cultural Identity Community Promote and Enhance Protective Factors Advance toward Whanau Ora
Improve the Care of People who are Experiencing Mental Disorders Associated with Suicidal Behaviour Jacqueline Te Huia Kia Piki te Ora Coordinator Mid North / Whangarei Region Matauranga Whanui A Project of The Ngati Hine Health Trust Goal 2
Objective 2 - Focus Improved - recognition, treatment & management of Maori who are experiencing mental disorders Service Analysis Maori Models of Health Development of strategies, policies & services:
Health Promotional events Objective 2 – Key actions Mental Health Awareness Population Strategies Improve community responsiveness Improve Access to services Service Analysis Hui Promotion Maori Models of Health Community, Health & Institutional approaches Mauri Ora Improve effectiveness of services Reduce Stigma & discrimination
Mauri Ora
Goal 3 Improve the care of people who make non-fatal suicide attempts Te Oranga Service Delivery Unit of Te Runanga o Te Rarawa
Local Community Action & Intervention Health Expo - Kaeo Off da wail – Kaitaia College Totara North School delivery
Whakawhanaugatanga and Support
Goal 4 Reduce Access to the Means of Suicide Emma Kutia Kia Piki o Te Ora Coordinator Te Ao Hou PHO Bay of Plenty
He kaupapa hauora mo nga iwi o Te Whanau a Apanui, Ngai Tai, Te Whakatohea me Ngai Tuhoe Te Moana –nui-a-Toi : Bay of Plenty KAUPAPA 2 : Environmental Project Raukura Hauora o Tainui Trust Papakura, Tamaki-makaurau KAUPAPA 1 : Gun Licensing Courses Te Kaokao o Takapau Health & Disability Service Taneatua, Eastern Bay of Plenty
Goal 5 Promote Safe Reporting and Portrayal of Suicidal Behaviour by the Media Honoria Rophia Kia Piki o Te Ora Coordinator Te Kupenga Hauora-Ahuriri – Hawkes Bay
ACHIEVING GOAL 5 WITHIN HAWKE’S BAY? Collaboration - Media representation on stakeholder groups - Media training provider representation on stakeholder groups Education & Support - Encourage all newspaper editors to support staff training in the safe reporting and portrayal of suicidal behaviour - Encourage all media training providers to include safe reporting and portrayal of suicidal behaviour within media courses Suicide and the Media
Goal 6 Support Families, Whanau, Friends and Others Affected by a Suicide or Suicide Attempt Terence Matthews Kia Piki o Te Ora Coordinator Ngaa Tai o te Awa - Whanganui
Maaku anoo e hanga tooku nei whare I shall fashion my own house I shall fashion my own house
E raka te mauii E raka te katau A community can use all the skills of its people
Goal 7 Expand the Evidence about Rates, Causes and Effective Interventions Danielle Oakes Raukura Hauora o Tainui Papakura
International & National Iwi Timely statistical information Hapu Evaluate new initiatives MaraeCommunity Maori suicide research Whanau Analyse existing databases Improved dissemination of research and information Improved quality and timeliness of suicide data Expanded research base: In particular causes of suicidal behaviour and effective interventions for Maori / tangata whenua GOAL 7: Expand the evidence about rates, causes and effective interventions Evaluations Research dissemination approaches IASG REDUCED SUICIDE RATES & WHANAU ORA Whaia e koe ki te iti kahurangi; ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei. ( Pursue excellence - should you stumble let it be to a lofty mountain)
Whakatauki Korihi te manu Takiri mai i te ata Takiri mai i te ata Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea Tihei, Mauri Ora The bird sings The morning has dawned The day has broken Behold there is Life!