EU initiatives fostering cross-border cooperation With the support of e-Health Gérard Comyn, Head of Unit, ICT for Health, European Commission
Fostering cross-border Cooperation Increasing mobility of patients and professionals Increasing mobility of patients and professionals Cooperation between regions and/or Member States e.g North Rhine-Westphalia/the Netherlands/Belgium to improve efficiency of healthcare Cooperation between regions and/or Member States e.g North Rhine-Westphalia/the Netherlands/Belgium to improve efficiency of healthcare Improving patient safety by facilitating access to health data Improving patient safety by facilitating access to health data Cooperation and complementarities of skills Cooperation and complementarities of skills Exchange of skills and knowledge Exchange of skills and knowledge ICT as a key tool to help implementing cross- border cooperation ICT as a key tool to help implementing cross- border cooperation
ICT for Health Some examples SWEDEN, County Councils – Sweden's national pharmacy system and its county councils embark on ePrescribing 42% of all prescriptions in Sweden are now transferred from the doctor to the pharmacy electronically via a health extranet, Sjunet, or through web-based prescribing. This innovation increases the security and quality of prescriptions, reduces prescription errors, and saves time for health provider organisations. The cumulative benefits by 2008 are estimated at 330 million, distributed between citizens (20%) and hospitals (80%). Västernorrlands län, Västra Götalands län and Barcelona – Radiology consultations between Sweden and Spain - Thanks to regular tele- consultation, Swedish patients can get advice from specialists in Spain. The new system means a reduction of waiting times by up to half, and similar cost savings. The cumulative benefit by 2008 is estimated at ~ 5 million.
ICT for Health Some examples CZECH REPUBLIC, various regions – Webbased health records: empowered citizens, better informed health-care practitioners, continuity of care. With the consent of the patient, the IZIP system enables doctors to access the central information at the time and point of care. IZIP is supported by the largest health insurer in the Czech Republic, which serves two-thirds of the Czech population. Cumulative benefits should reach approx. 180 million by Estimated productivity gains, measured in a decrease in eHealth costs per record, amount to 74%. DENMARK, various regions – Danish Health Data Network - This system offers faster, more efficient communication between patients, general practitioners and social care professionals. The benefits include cost savings on secretarial work and on electronic prescriptions. It generates considerable net economic benefits estimated to exceed 75 million on an annual basis by 2008.
Hospitals 2004: EHR systems HINE 2005
Hospitals 2004: Electronic links HINE 2005
Towards a European Health Information Space Situation of health information systems in Europe: Situation of health information systems in Europe: Large diversity of solutions Based of regional initiatives Market fragmentation No compatibility / communication between national solutions (interoperability) Detrimental to the patient (patient safety) Detrimental to Industry Communication: COM(2004) 356 final Communication: COM(2004) 356 final e-Health – making healthcare better for European citizens: An action plan for a European e-Health Area
e-Health action plan: WHY Borderless European Health Information Space for individual care, public health and research Bringing the benefits of eHealth to EU citizens faster (Quality of care, patient safety) To facilitate growth and transparency of eHealth Market To decrease Market Fragmentation
e-Health Action Plan Main areas of activity National/regional roadmaps (MS, 2005) Common approaches for patient identifier (EC+MS, 2006) Deployment of health information networks (MS, ) Interoperability standards for EHR and messaging (EC+MS,2006) Boosting investments in eHealth (MS, 2007) Certification and labeling (Q-REC project) (MS + EC 2007) Legal framework, certification of qualifications (EC+MS,2009) Yearly Ministerial conferences & exhibitions (next in Malaga, Spain May, 2006) World of Health IT yearly conference
Competitiveness & Innovation Programme (CIP) Competitiveness & Innovation Programme (CIP) Competitiveness & Innovation Programme (CIP) a new programme to boost growth and jobs in Europe budget ~3.6B ( ) focused in three areas Entrepreneurship & Innovation 2,170 M (incl 430 eco-innovation) ICT Policy Support 728 M Intelligent Energy Europe 727 M
Competitiveness and Innovation Programme: Large Scale Pilot One large Scale Pilot One large Scale Pilot Patient summary for unexpected cases Patient safety and medication continuity With a common architecture With a common architecture Built on Member States solutions (bottom up) Built on Member States solutions (bottom up) Thought as long lasting solution at European level Thought as long lasting solution at European level Scalable and sustainable, adaptable to new situations Scalable and sustainable, adaptable to new situations Policy Objective: Recommendation on interoperability
From Research to Policies Action Plan for a European eHealth Area: Deploying former research results developed under FP4, FP5: EHRs, to Health regional networks etc.. Action Plan for a European eHealth Area: Deploying former research results developed under FP4, FP5: EHRs, to Health regional networks etc.. Future action Plan on Telemedicine tools for chronic disease management: Deploying FP5 and FP6 technologies such as Personal Health Systems facilitating Future action Plan on Telemedicine tools for chronic disease management: Deploying FP5 and FP6 technologies such as Personal Health Systems facilitating - Continuity of care - Preventive & personalised care - Citizen-centred care In the form of wearable, portable, implantable, point of care systems
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