1 National Research Council - Pisa - Italy Marco Conti Italian National Research Council (CNR) IIT Institute Executive board meeting 2nd MobileMAN Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

1 National Research Council - Pisa - Italy Marco Conti Italian National Research Council (CNR) IIT Institute Executive board meeting 2nd MobileMAN Workshop - Sophie-Antipolis 6-7 March, 2003 IST - FET Initiative

2 Agenda - New Project officer: Fabrizio Sestini - 1st Year Deliverables -Progress Report -Next Meeting -Meeting with IAB -Relationship with the Equator project -Any other Business

3 1st Year Deliverables

4 Already delivered: D1 and D2 D1 (CNR) : comments on the web site We think to add for each partner the names of people involved (also s?) Suggestions/requests D2 (CNR) : contains the first year success criteria A project presentation report has also been prepared

5 D3 (CNR): ToC and Request for Contributions 1.INTRODUCTION 2.DISSEMINATION 3.EXPLOITATION 3.1Industrial Advisory Board % type of interest for project results % 3.1.1BT Extra 3.1.2Nokia 3.1.3ST 3.1.4Siemens 3.1.5Cisco ?????? 3.2Project Partners% existing routes for exploitation of project results % 3.2.1CNR 3.2.2University of Cambridge 3.2.3Eurecom 3.2.4Helsinki University of Technology 3.2.5NETikos 3.2.6SUPSI Contributions from each partner on existing connections (industry, academy, etc. that can be used for the project exploitation) A brief description of the industry. A paragraph to describe the type of interest (NIC, middleware, etc.)

6 D4(SUPSI DIE) - intermediate evaluation report and Success Criteria MobileMAN architecture definition Definition of the complete MobileMAN architecture with the communication flows among different activities and the integration of vertical issues as co-operation and energy awareness. Socio-economic Model To develop a methodology for evaluating social, anthropological, and economic potential of MobileMAN. New applications and services Identification of existing applications (or classes of applications) that can become a customer advantage, when run on top of MobileMAN, compared to traditional technologies. Define the services that we need to provide for efficiently supporting some of these (classes of) applications.

7 Middleware Comparative analysis of existing middleware solutions for mobile environment (Xmiddle, Jxta, Lime, etc.). The aim of this comparison is the identification of the best solution(s) for the MobileMAN environment. Definition of new solutions for P2P information delivery: This will be done by selecting some of the resilient mechanisms that have emerged in the p2p community (such as CAN, Chord, Pastry, etc.), and then introducing location information and scope information so that content is initially placed and requests are routed to copies that have proximity on a number of QoS axes. D4(SUPSI DIE) - intermediate evaluation report and Success Criteria

8 Co-operation Model Design of models and mechanisms that encourage users to behave as “good citizens”. Networking services Design of location and packet forwarding schemes suitable for MobileMAN. Comparison of routing protocols for ad hoc networks utilizing simulation studies, and, whenever possible, measurements on real testbeds. Development and testing of a few hops ad hoc network implementing a minimal set of functionalities (routing, forwarding, and location). D4(SUPSI DIE) - intermediate evaluation report and Success Criteria

9 Wireless Technologies Analysis of the limits of the existing solutions (based on IEEE ) for constructing multi hop ad hoc networks. The analysis is performed by simulation and measurements; Design of an enhanced MAC protocol for ad hoc networks. The new MAC protocol must be compatible with the IEEE and provide a better channel utilization; Comparative analysis of existing chipsets to identify the best solution for implementing the MobileMAN enhanced NIC. D4(SUPSI DIE) - intermediate evaluation report and Success Criteria

10 Deliverable D5 (Eurecom) “ In this work-package we will perform the MobileMAN architecture definition with the communication flows among different activities and the integration of vertical issues. In addition, this worpackage will be responsible of the design the networking protocols required to implement the MobileMAN architecture (MAC protocol, location and forwarding protocols, security and co-operation). The developed technical solutions will be immediately validated (before they are implemented) by adopting simulative and analytic techniques (as appropriate).” D5: MobileMAN architecture, protocols and services - preliminary report D5 has asoociated a high man power: 32 mm D5 is the Main Output of WP2 “Domain Modelling”:

11 Deliverable D5 (Eurecom) - Inputs T2.1 New applications and services: Identify existing applications that can become a customer advantage (input to D5) - Netikos T2.2 MobileMAN architecture definition (input to D5) - All T2.3 Bursty-responsive MAC Specification of new MAC protocol supporting bursty communication. (input to D5)CNR + SUPSI DIE T2.4 Definition of networking services: Define location and packet forwarding schemes …. (input to D5) CNR and HUT T2.5 Security and Co-operation Model and Mechanisms: (input to D5) Eurecom + SUPSI T2.6 P2P information delivery: (input to D5)Cambridge T2.8 Economic driven modelling: (input to D5, D10, D13) Cambridge

12 D5 scheduling and ToC Milestone 5 Month 10: Preliminary definition of the MobileMAN architecture, protocols, and services to be used as input for WP 3 A preliminary version should be ready by the 3rd workshop (end June) ToC ?????

13 T3.1 Bursty-responsive MAC Develop new MAC protocol and hardware supporting bursty communication. The hardware will be based, wherever possible, on a off-the- shelf chipset with ad-hoc programmed firmware. (input to D12) T3.3 Routing and forwarding: Develop routing and forwarding protocols for the self-organised and co-operative communications of MobileMAN. Implementation of them for the Linux operating system, in co-operation with the task on security (T3.4). (input to D6, D11, D14) Milestone 1 – Month 6: Analysis of the correct project start up

14 Progress Report M1 – Month 6: Analysis of the correct project start up and of partners’ alignment for methods and tools. Construction of an Intermediate Progress Report to define the technical and management status of the project. Cost Statements related to the first 6 months of the project (we will soon send you a detailed request M1 – Month 6: First meeting with the Industrial Advisory Board to present and discuss the project goals We will explain that the meeting with IAB is postponed to end of the 9th month

15 Progress Report (cont.) CONTENTS LIST: 1.WORK PROGRESS OVERVIEW -this section contains for each partner the activities performed during the first 6 months (say, words), e.g., CNR work in the first 6 months has been on Deliverable D5 in the field of the Analysis of the limits of the existing solutions (based on IEEE ) for constructing multi hop ad hoc networks. The analysis performed by simulation and measurements has shown that …. -Please also add the man months assigned to the activities to have a view of the efforts.

16 Progress Report - content list (cont.) 2. CONFERENCE MEETINGS: MobileMAN project members attended the following conferences during the first six months of the project: Input expected from each partner 3. COOPERATION WITH OTHER PROJECTS Input expected from each partner (if any) 4. PUBLICATIONS: Input expected from each partner (if any)

17 Other Business -Next Meeting (3rd) Cambridge, end June ? -4th meeting, when, where -Meeting with IAB Cambridge, end June ? -Relationship with the Equator project Meeting in June or before ? -Any other Business