Customer Service Opportunity Model Customer Service Variance Customer Service Adjusted Workload
Function Four Variance Programs CSV CSSOM CSAW Management Tools Supervisory Tool
Data Elements: End of Run - Auto/Mech Volumes eFlash - Distribution, Box Volumes and Workhours WOS Earned Hours and Workload WebVARS – Vending Address Mgmt System – Routes/ Deliveries WebCOINS – On Rolls Complement and MPOO Designation
CSSOM Identifies a 52 Week by Week Trend Using Established AWPS (Automated Workforce Projection System) Productivity Assumptions Also Includes the Following FY07 Base Data AWPS Other Time Actual DPS Percentage (Box Section)
CDPOM Equivalent to Function Four Overall Trend Analysis Which Allow Planning Ahead and Looking Behind Engine that Drives CSSOM Data Behind CSSOM Drill Down Capability to the Unit Level
Interactive Supervisor Daily Tool to Determine Value of Workload Manage Workhours to Workload Allows Supervisor to Right Size Daily Scheduling of Employees in the Various Function Four Activities
Report will reflect performance based on the scope of time selected
AWPS Data Elements – Automated import into CSV End of Run, eFlash, WOS, AMS, WebVars, WebCoins Updated back to start of FY every week
CSV Executive Summary Percent Achieved in Auto/Mech, Manual, Retail, and Admin. Auto/Mech, Manual, and Retail Volume Variance to Base FTES Actual, Earned, and Variance
Floating Icon
AWPS breakdown of all LDC 48 workload by type
Select Customer Service Adjusted Workload (CSAW)
CSAW houses trend average daily volume for each data element over the past 12 week Based on the allocation by the user, CSAW projects the average volume for each day of the coming week
CSAW houses AWPS productivity factors for each data element Based on trend volume, average earned daily workhours are projected for each data element
CSAW then calculates the earned value of the workload by LDC and by day for the coming week The projected workload value for the week creates the projected number of hours to schedule to each day 0.00
Click on day of week Enter Dist and Box Volume Post Daily Volume
WOS transactions and SSA volume daily feed
Earned workhour value by LDC adjusts according to volume
TACS workhours by LDC for previous day Import every morning by 6AM local time
Running total for the week, Actual plus projected values
Select Customer Service Adjusted Workload Performance Review for previous week
Daily distribution and Box volume From manual entry
Daily Retail transactions and SSA volume – Automatic feed from WOS Target 6AM local time
Vending LDC 46 and Admin LDC 48 Daily value as allocated by end user
Earned Hours by LDC by day Total for the week
TACS actual Hours by LDC by day Total for the week Target import by 6AM local time
Daily variance by LDC by day Total for the week
Daily hours per posted schedule Total for the week
Weekly variance by LDC Total for the week
Sick Leave, Over time, Penalty OT Total for the week
Total CSV F4 Variance for the week, Broken down to the day
CSSOM / CSV / CSAW Dynamic F-4 Performance Models Standardized Methodology Standardized Data Source National to Unit Level Line of Site Forecasting - Plan Ahead, Track Behind Relevant, Actionable Data