PSSDC/PSCIOC: Report of the Research Committee Public Sector Service Delivery Council & PSCIO Council Meetings St-Sauveur, May 2003 (DRAFT)
PSSDC-PSCIOC Research Committee Members Art Daniels and Brian Marson (co-chairs) Lois Bain (Ontario) Joan McCalla (Ontario) David Primmer (Manitoba) Guy Gordon (Manitoba) Ardath Paxton Mann (Canada) Mary Ogilvie (New Brunswick) Bette Jo Hughes (BC) Cathy Ladds (Canada) Marie-Josée Martel (CCRA) Nancy MacLellan (Nova Scotia) Frank Mayhood (City of Kamloops) Charles Vincent (Chair, CMT Standards Board) Patrice Dutil (IPAC)
Presentation Outline Projects in Progress: –Citizens First- Wave 3 (with ICCS) –Taking Care of Business (via ICCS) –Staff-client satisfaction (Service Value Chain) –Governance issues in integrated service delivery (TBS) Other Projects –Development of research data base –Identifying future research priorities ICCS and CMT Standards Board –ICCS Progress Report/ICCS Review –New Release of the Expanded CMT Research Projects by Member Jurisdictions
Research Projects in Progress 1. Citizens First-3 –Report published March 2003 and distributed to partners (Summaries of Report available at Lac Carling) –Communications plan in place for CF-3 –Key findings: Citizens’ ratings of public sector service improving; Citizen expectations continue to rise; Service identified as an important driver of citizen confidence in government; Multi-channel service delivery is exploding; Important new insights into E-channel service delivery; New data on citizen satisfaction by service channel; Confirmation of drivers, service standard expectations, and citizens’ priorities for service improvement.
Research Projects in Progress 2. Taking Care of Business National Survey –ICCS developed and circulated a prospectus to partner jurisdictions; –Twenty federal, provincial and municipal partners have committed funds to the project, including new partners who have not participated before; –RFP placed on MERX system and 15 good proposals received; –Committee of Partners selected the Phase 5 Company as the successful bidder –Research Committee representatives will assist partners and ICCS in the survey design; –Fielding planned for late summer and Fall
Research Projects in Progress 3. Researching the Service-Value Chain in the Public Sector –Joint project with HR Committee, led by Research Committee, approved in Toronto in February 2003 –A Working Group has been established, chaired by Guy Gordon of Manitoba and has met by teleconference. First in-person meeting May 23, 2003, in Ottawa. Includes members from Ontario, NB, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Canada (TBS, CCRA, Canada Post). –A major literature overview paper on the Service Value Chain and drivers of staff satisfaction was commissioned from Dr. Faye Schmidt and has been submitted for review by the Working Group. –Work Plan next steps: analysis of data contributed by various jurisdictions over the summer to begin identifying drivers of staff satisfaction/commitment as well as staff-client satisfaction links. –Progress report planned for Fall meeting of PSSDC-PSCIOC
Future Projects: The Service-Value Chain
Research Projects in Progress: 4. ISD-Beyond the Barriers- Issues and Challenges in Integrated Service Delivery (Initiated by CIO Canada) –Examines integrated service delivery, including the different models of intra-departmental, inter- departmental, and inter-governmental service delivery, as well as the governance issues and solutions that arise from these horizontal and vertical partnerships. –Professor Ken Kernaghan of Brock University is the lead researcher. –Thirty interviews completed with key public sector managers, plus literature review and 10 case ISD studies; –Interim report to be presented for discussion at Lac Carling PSSDC-PSCIOC meetings.
Work Plan: Future Projects 1. Identifying Forward Research Priorities –Presentation prepared by Brian Marson and Charles Vincent for Lac Carling, outlining several potential research themes; –Electronic voting will occur at Lac Carling Plenary; –Results will be reviewed by Research Committee in designing the forward agenda; –Timeframe: May 2003
Work Plan: Themes for Plenary Voting at LC-VII 1. Best practice in service satisfaction improvement 2. Market segmentation of service delivery in a multi-channel environment 3. Citizen engagement and e-democracy 4. Third party service delivery 5. Collaborative arrangements in integrated service delivery 6. Service quality in regulatory and science agencies
Work Plan: Future Projects 2. Documenting and Communicating Accumulated Research Findings to PSCIOC- PSSDC Members and the Service Community –The need is to create a data base: Listing existing research studies with their main findings; Listing of main service issues, and the research studies which inform them; Establishing for PSSDC-PSSCIOC members a searchable data base of research findings. –Proposed Action: Identify a jurisdiction(s) which will fund the project; Put the database onto the ICCS website Timeframe- Summer-Fall 2003
ICCS Progress Report A Progress Report from ICCS Managers, Nicholas Prychodko and Charles Vincent is attached for review; –Service level agreement with IPAC complete –CF-3 Published –Taking Care of Business underway –CMT data base under construction –Enhanced CMT ready for implementation –ICCS Website being used extensively –Funding needed for benchmarking The PSSDCC-PSCIOC Committee to review ICCS (Chaired by Lois Bain) will report at the Lac Carling Meetings;
CMT Standards Board Report A Report from Standards Board on the implementation of upgraded CMT is attached as a separate document. –Field testing of Version 2 of the multi-channel CMT completed and results were positive; –Version 2 of CMT is recommended for implementation by the CMT Standards Board and the Research Committee.
Annex: Research Reports Sponsored by Jurisdictions- New Brunswick –Customer Satisfaction Survey on ESD Support/ –Importance of Service Quality Drivers for Customers –Real Property Registry Procedures – Satisfaction Survey –Customer Satisfaction Survey for Virtual TeleServices Agent Project –Long Haul Trucker Survey –E-Citizen Engagement pilot project with the City of St. John. –UNB E-Government Research Conference:
Annex: Planned Research Reports Sponsored by Jurisdictions- Canada GOL Internet Panel – Year 2 –Refresh/renew panel members – contracting underway (MERX) –Two on-line surveys/one set of on-line focus groups planned for FY 2003/2004 –Panel is representative of Canadian Internet Users (4,500+ respondents) Ekos – Rethinking the Information Highway –Fieldwork this spring – results early summer Ekos – Rethinking Citizen Engagement –Fieldwork this past winter and spring – preliminary results available Privacy/Security/Authentication Research –Project planned to provide continued support to epass and other related initiatives Multi-Channel Marketing/Promotion/Channel Migration –Specific details to be finalised For more information – contact
Annex: Completed Research Reports Sponsored by Jurisdictions- Canada GOL Internet Panel – Year separate projects Ipsos-Reid Omnibus Telephone Survey (March 2003) Ekos-Rethinking the Information Highway (Summer 2002) Compas – Multi-Channel Service Delivery Focus Groups (Jan. 2003) Phase 5 – epass, authentication and information sharing (Jan. 2003) Business Gateway – Transition Cluster Focus Groups (Winter 2003) Canadians Gateway –Transition Cluster Focus Groups (Winter 2003) Plus numerous projects undertaken by individual departments, gateways and clusters to support on-going development of the Canada Site and the gateways and clusters