Introduction to the Major Design Project (MDP) University of Western Ontario Faculty of Engineering Science Introduction to Engineering Design, ES 1050 November 5, 2009
Problem Statement Design an interactive display to demonstrate one green technology.
Problem Statement The problem is NOT to design or implement a green technology. It is to demonstrate an existing technology
Problem Statement Some areas to consider: Who is the audience (kids, students, professionals, general public?) Where is the display (museum, science centre, mall?) Which technology (energy, recycling, pollution?)
Steps in MDP Problem definition Background research (SOTA) Specifications Detailed Design Prototyping
Problem definition Things to consider: What area will we focus on? Who is the user? What does the user need? (What are we trying to teach?) Do not define the problem to limit the solution. Consider a multi-disciplinary approach.
Constraints Things to consider: Size (50cm x 50cm x 50cm) Weight (10kg) AC Power (max 100W, CSA approval required) Safety (no hazardous chemicals or hazardous motions) Should survive its expected working life
Budget Constraints The budget is limited to: No more than $100 per team member cash contribution ($400 per team) One hour UMS time Maximum $200 borrowed/scavenged/donated parts Computers do not count towards budget
Project organization The MDP is organized as follows: Work in studio teams Work during studios and in team meeting times throughout semester Design reviews (for credit) in studio Deliverables and progress reports
Phase I Report One report per team: Similar to CV submissions Problem definition Identification of objectives and constraints Concept generation (creativity and innovation) Concept selection (using structured techniques)
Background research (SOTA) State of the Art (SOTA) investigates: Other solutions to similar problems Emerging technologies that may help Make sure your SOTA contains analysis, not just data. Individual submission
Design reviews Graded by team: Occur three times throughout project Two informal discussions One formal presentation Allow instructors to monitor milestones
Final Report One report per team: Should report on the whole project Includes design specifications and drawings Includes modeling and experimental data Should include a user’s manual
MDP Showcase The MDP prototypes are displayed to the University community and the public at the showcase. Here are some photos from previous years:
MDP Showcase The angular momentum swing
MDP Showcase Autonomous robot
MDP Showcase The solar powered roller coaster
MDP Showcase The turbine display
Evaluation You will be evaluated based on: Three design reviews SOTA Design notebook Prototype/Showcase Design reports Operating manual
Upcoming Schedule November Lectures: Introduction to disciplines Discipline specific case studies Safety November Studios: Background research Problem definition Concept generation
Upcoming Schedule January/February Lectures: CAD Empirical and theoretical modeling January/Feburary studios: Modeling Prototype design
Upcoming Schedule March Lectures: Discipline specific case studies March studios: Prototype construction Testing Model validation