A service of Volusia County Government
No tax dollars are used for the operation or maintenance of the airport Airports need to be self-sufficient Airport collects user fees to pay for the operation PFC’s, CFC’s (in the future), terminal rent, gross receipts, landing fees, parking, concessions, land rent, fuel flowage fees, advertising, ground transportation ** DIVERSIFY REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES **
Direct economic impact – Jobs created and money spent directly related to the airport. If the airport were to vanish these jobs and economic benefits would go away Indirect economic impact – Money spent in the community because the airport provides access to that community Induced or multiplier effect - Every dollar expended by airport patron in the community further recycled or channeled throughout the community to generate additional income or revenue. Direct + Indirect + Induced = Total Economic Impact of an Airport Transportation benefits
Transportation benefits differ from the economic impacts. Reflected in: value of time saved costs avoided by users of system enjoyment or entertainment value received sense of community pride possibility of related aviation activities support of related aviation activities
Air service development” (ASD) is a broad term that encompasses activities with the ultimate goal of retaining existing air service or improving air access and capacity in order to develop the economy of a community or region. Air service development should be easy. In theory, all it takes is convincing an airline that it can make a profit serving your market; but that's really not enough. Given the limited amount of aircraft airlines have to deploy and the larger number of airports vying for service, you must also demonstrate that a carrier can make more money in your market than elsewhere.
Selling to the Airlines Local economic and demographic data; Details about local businesses and travel habits (business activity, employers, employment, travel demand, financial support from the business community); Local civilian, government and military facilities (areas largest government and military facilities, staffing levels, growth plans, military corporate related inbound traffic and outbound traffic to other facilities, particularly the airline’s hubs and major cities); Local tourist attractions that drive inbound leisure traffic (names and descriptions of areas prominent hotels, conventions, prominent tourist attractions, ratio of domestic v. international demand, financial support from the tourism industry).
A-320 Service Begins January 7, 2016
No rental or landing fees for one year Up to $380,000 in local marketing support New York marketing of $400,000 Risk mitigation of $300,000 Up to $25,000 in gate/ticket counter rehab Free passenger parking for six months Step down rental rate with additional non-stop air service Competitive ground handling services provided by the Airport Travel Bank for New York Service worth up to $300,000 in ticket sales
Tenant relations Resolving complaints Developing relationships Marketing & Advertising Developing new contracts and leasing Ground Transportation Appraisals RFP’s and RFQ’s Interacting with operations, police and air traffic control Public relations and media relations Emergency response Air Service Development Customer service
Complimentary Wireless Service Computer Workstations w/ Internet Hook-up Business Center Complimentary ERAU Flight Tracker & Weather Information Complimentary Mailback Service Complimentary plastic bags & booties at the Security Checkpoint Ambassador Program New Revenue Control System in Parking 10% Parking Discount to Gold Card Members (62 or older) Free Luggage Carts Convenient on-site rental car pick-up & drop-off
Faber, Coe and Gregg of Florida, Inc. Java Moon Café Sugar Mill Café The Junction Daytona News Now Volusia Room Banquet Facility
Administration & Properties Personnel Budget & Finance Purchasing Accounts Payable & Receivable Property Accounting Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program (DBE)
ENTERPRISE FUND ADOPTED BUDGET FOR FY16 = $24,364,613 Expenses - Capital Outlay $.2 - Personal Services $ Operating $ Debt Service $ 3.9 $ Reserves $10.1 TOTAL $24.4 Revenues - Operating Grants & PFC $ Airlines $ Concessions $ Non-Aviation Rental (Land & Bldg) $ Aviation Rental (Land & Bldg) $.9 - Ground Handling $.6 - Special Events $.4 - Miscellaneous $.4 $ Fund Balance $ 9.7 TOTAL $24.4
Projects & Maintenance Facilities & Grounds Maintenance Engineering & Construction Contracts Administration Environmental Airspace Analysis Grants Management
GRANTS Sources FAA – Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Entitlement Discretionary DOT TSA Cost Share FAA & TSA – Normally 90%, 5% State, 5% Local DOT – either matches or 50/50% Planning Document Joint Automated Capital Improvement Plan (JACIP)
Revenue Control System Paving Lighting Canopy over ticket dispensers Wayfinding signs
Before After
Operations, Security & Ground Handling FAA Part 139 TSA Part 1542 Airside & Landside Operations Wildlife Mitigation Ground Handling Services ARFF (Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting) LEO (Law Enforcement Officers)