Www.livskompetens.com Life Competence 50+, 12 development partners Confederation of Swedish Enterprise LO - The Swedish Trade Union Confederation The City.


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Presentation transcript:

Life Competence 50+, 12 development partners Confederation of Swedish Enterprise LO - The Swedish Trade Union Confederation The City of Göteborg 3 Municipalities County Labour Board Regional Social Insurance office Göteborg University

Overall target To develop new models or methods so that older people (50+) can work longer or re-enter work life

Life Competence analysis Make all the skills apparent The process: Present state My resources Desired state The way there

Life Competence analysis Unemployed, sick listed, employed 5 weeks Meet the coach once a week Better self confidence Aware of all competences 65 persons have participated in the development process. A Swedish version is completed

New Start Centre A meeting point for job actors, employers and job seekers Active instead of passive Creates participation in development work Being able to adjust the tools according to the needs of the 50+

§ § § Start your own business workshop Information on regulations and agreements on the employment market Have my skills documented New business start Mentorship/ Support/ Inspiration Learn to learn new things Information on employment trends and new technology Talks, seminars Make new contacts physically and through a computer portal NEWSTARTCENTRENEWSTARTCENTRE

We need a network Hands on knowledge Lifecycle approach Interaction between researchers, practitioners decision-makers A European Age Management Network Key message from the meetings

A European Age Management Network Workplace in change Learning and qualifications Altered conditions and attitudes on the labour market. Three main Areas

A European Age Management Network Individual Organization (company, public sector) System (national och EU level) Three main Perspectives

Universities Companies NGO/Social partners A European Age Management Network Three main Actors