Organization Date Alaskan Way Viaduct & Seawall Replacement Program 4 th Quarter 2009 Progress Report Meeting December 9, 2009
Presentation Topics Program overview. S. Massachusetts to Union Electrical Line Relocation. S. Holgate to S. King Street Viaduct Replacement. Central Waterfront Replacement. EIS. Alignment. RFP.
Program Overview Governor and Mayor signed a Memorandum of Agreement endorsing the bored tunnel in October. Electrical Line Relocation Project to be substantially complete in early December. Holgate-to-King design modifications: estimated $100 million in savings. Two SR 99 ITS contracts advertised in October; bids opened on one.
Program Overview Central Waterfront bored tunnel alternative: CEVP + VE workshops results in new alignment option. EIS schedule impacted by new alignment; requires aggressive approach to maintain schedule. SOQ’s received from four teams; evaluations in progress. Estimate-at-Completion: recent CEVP and estimate results - Bored Tunnel Alternative = $2,000 million. Holgate-to-King =$ 443 million. Other Moving Forward = $ 365 million. TOTAL STATE =$2,808 million. Current Legislated Budget is $2.4 billion. Need $400 million in Toll Revenue Bond proceeds needed to deliver State scope.
Program Overview Schedule highlights: Holgate-to-King: New conformed bid set with re-design in February Bid opening on March 24, Bored Tunnel Alternative: RFP draft complete: February ROD in Spring 2010.
Electrical Line Relocations Recent Activities: Transmission Circuit #1 was cut and distribution was turned over to SCL for splicing. Transmission Circuit #2 testing/energization and Royal Brougham Way asphalt restoration was completed. Demolition of old oil contained cable system from viaduct has been completed. Distribution lines are being removed. Facility has been turned back to SCL. WSDOT providing support to SCL to repair an oil leak vicinity University / Western. Forecast to be substantially completed in early December.
Electrical Line Relocations Demolition of Existing Electrical Cables under Viaduct Emergency Oil Leak Location & Repair
Holgate-to-King Viaduct Replacement Recent Activities: Stage 1 (Construction) New bike and pedestrian path was opened to the public. Completed 26kV duct bank from Station 2+25 to Station Began contract work north of Royal Brougham Way Stage 2 (Design). UPRR and BNSF Whatcom Lead vacation agreements and the BNSF Railroad Construction & Maintenance agreement were finalized. Contract advertised on October 26, 2009.
Holgate-to-King Viaduct Replacement Recent Activities: Stage 2 (Continued) November VE studies resulted in design change recommendations that would: Remove retained cut undercrossing and associated bridges. Replace undercrossing with an elevated structure that will for Port traffic to bypass the railroad crossing (a new Stage 3 contract). Provide for detour through WOSCA, replacing the west side transition structure connection to the viaduct Above design revisions result in EA re-evaluation to be completed before March 24, 2010 bid opening date.
Holgate-to-King Viaduct Replacement Challenges & Opportunities: Reaching agreement on Railroad pre-emption at Atlantic Street with City and BNSF. Completing Stage 2 design changes and not delay bid opening past March Recent design changes result in estimated $100 million savings and reduced construction duration by an estimated six months.
S. Holgate to S. King Viaduct Replacement Previous Design Alaskan Way S./East Marginal Way S. connector
S. Holgate to S. King Viaduct Replacement Current Proposal
Holgate-to-King Viaduct Replacement 26kV Electrical Duct Bank between Ring Vaults 1 and 2 Setting Overhead Poles at Port of Seattle Terminal #46
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative EIS Recent Activities: Held cooperating agency EIS review kickoff meetings with the Port of Seattle and King County. Completed the first and second rounds of co-lead agency reviews of several discipline reports. Developing a revised SDEIS schedule given recent changes to north and south portals. Upcoming Activities: Continue development and co-lead review of SDEIS summary chapters, outline, and selected appendices. In January, receive and utilize a revised EIS design snapshot. Target for Record of Decision is Spring 2011.
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative EIS Challenges & Opportunities: Meeting the aggressive EIS schedule relies heavily on quick reviews and issue resolution, close coordination with co-lead and cooperating agencies, and aggressive 106 and ESA consultations. Many items are on the critical path.
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative RFP Recent Activities: Latest contracting strategy calls for tunnel bore to be design-build; all other packages will be design-bid-build. Geotechnical investigation program will result in a Geotechnical Baseline Report. Key to risk management and will accompany the tunnel bore RFP. Bored Tunnel Alternative draft RFP is in review, to include reviews conducted by the City of Seattle. Issued a RFQ to which four teams have submitted SOQ’s
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative RFP Upcoming Activities: Evaluate the four SOQ’s received in December; develop a short- list. RFP schedule: Draft RFP complete: February Final RFP complete and issued: June Proposals due to WSDOT: October Award of the design-build contract: January 2011.
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative RFP Challenges & Opportunities: Developing a final RFP for a design-build contract that will remain attractive to proposers. Balance risk between WSDOT and proposers in a way that is in the best interest of the Department.
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative Alignment Recent Activities: CEVP and VE workshops held to maximize efficiencies and reduce costs. Selected a new alignment option (see diagram next page). Initiating utility investigations along the new alignment option and addressing right-of-way and building settlement impacts. New alignment in the north removes the need for construction of the detour for SR 99 and the temporary structure on Harrison Street over SR 99. Developed south end Preliminary Construction Staging concepts, and updated identified tie-back, staging and acquisition areas.
Central Waterfront / Bored Tunnel Alternative Alignment
Upcoming Activities: Conduct additional geotechnical investigations along the new alignment option. Continue with utility relocations; determine right-of-way needs; assess building settlement risk and mitigation measures. Document the new alignment option as the baseline against which to manage project delivery. Challenges & Opportunities: Complete the design snapshot reflecting the new alignment option so as not to impact the EIS and RFP schedules. Deliver the overall bored tunnel alternative to an aggressive schedule that opens to traffic in 2015.