USC Network Medical Plan Tier 2 Provider Search Guide Anthem Blue Cross Prudent Buyer and BlueCard Provider Networks
Link for Providers within the United States Tier 2 Provider Search Links Link for Providers within the United States Link for International Providers
Do not enter any information within the “Member Log In” fields above To Search for a Tier 2 Provider within California Go to Under “USEFUL TOOLS”, click on “FIND A DOCTOR” Do not enter any information within the “Member Log In” fields above
To Search for a Tier 2 Provider within California Under “Search by selecting a plan/network”, select “California” as the State. Under “Select a plan/network” scroll down and select “Blue Cross PPO (Prudent Buyer) – Large Group”.
To Search for a Tier 2 Provider within California In this section you can customize your provider search as you wish. You can enter a provider’s name or narrow your search by specialty name and then enter a city name or zip code in which you want to locate a provider. Once all information is entered, click on the “Search” button.
To Search for a Tier 2 Provider within California Your Tier 2 provider search results will then be displayed.
Do not enter any information within the “Member Log In” fields above To Search for a Tier 2 Provider in Another State Go to Under “USEFUL TOOLS”, click on “FIND A DOCTOR” Do not enter any information within the “Member Log In” fields above
To Search for a Tier 2 Provider in Another State Under “Search by selecting a plan/network”, select the State you want, e.g., “Texas”. Under “Select a plan/network” scroll down and under “Medical (Employer-Sponsored)” select “National PPO (BlueCard PPO)”.
To Search for a Tier 2 Provider in Another State In this section you can customize your provider search as you wish. You can enter a provider’s name or narrow your search by specialty name and then enter a city name or zip code in which you want to locate a provider. Once all information is entered, click on the “Search” button.
To Search for a Tier 2 Provider in Another State Your Tier 2 provider search results will then be displayed.
To Search for a Tier 2 International Provider Scan my compute Go to Read the “Site Use Agreement” and check the “I accept” terms box. Enter “TRJ” as the three ID letters under the “Identification Number” field. Click on “Login” box.
To Search for a Tier 2 International Provider Scan my compute Under “Select a Provider Type” select what type of provider you are searching for. Example, “Hospital/Inpatient”. Note: Pharmacy and Dentists are NOT part of the USC Network Medical Plan. Do not search for this type of provider.
To Search for a Tier 2 International Provider Scan my compute Enter the “Country”, “City” and the “Range”. Example, “Bahamas”,“Freeport” and “10 miles”. Click on the “Search” button.
To Search for a Tier 2 International Provider Scan my compute Your Tier 2 international provider search results will then be displayed.
IMPORTANT When making an appointment with an Anthem Blue Cross Prudent Buyer or BlueCard provider, always verify with their office that they continue to participate in the Prudent Buyer or BlueCard network..