Technology support for ITE From research to strategy Building e-learning into Initial Teacher Education Workshop for cross phase ITE staff Institute of Education Presentation and workshop undertaken as part of the PGCE M-level remodelling away-day 18 th June 2007 Adrian Mee
Technology support for ITE Aims Where are we now? Where do we want to be? Where don’t we want to be? Which ways forward?
Technology support for ITE Harnessing Technology Technology supported learning across the curriculum A personalized experience An on-line portfolio and work space
Technology support for ITE TDA funded projects Tablet PCs for tutors. Laptops for trainees. Pod casting Video in the classroom
Technology support for ITE Fronter VLE Schools will increasingly using VLEs “Fronter” chosen by the LGfL
Technology support for ITE Blackboard developments Blogs Wikis E-portfolios
Technology support for ITE IoE Paid for by TDA capital Well used by schools Maintenance Development
Technology support for ITE IoE corporate website New website on it’s way Information driven Marketing External facing But what about teaching?
Technology support for ITE IoE portal Information handling and processing Information storage Wider access Information sharing
Technology support for ITE Subject web pages Subject specific Open access One-stop-shop On the hoof editing
Technology support for ITE Summary Thinking about a maturity model……. 1.Looking the other way until it goes out of fashion 2.Dabbling with technology here and there 3.Using technology to do old things in new ways 4.Doing new things in new ways …………………….so where are we?
Technology support for ITE Four strands for consideration: Teaching with technology E-partnership Managing and sharing information E-portfolios
Technology support for ITE For each strand…..4 questions: What do we have which works well? What would we like to achieve? What could stand in our way? What action should we take?
Technology support for ITE Activity – 25 minutes
Technology support for ITE