Executive Committee Meeting February 27, 2014
5 Year Assessment Report Overview This is the fifth annual report on the basin management action plan (BMAP) activities. Information was provided by the stakeholders on activities from January 1, 2013 through December 31, The report includes: Major accomplishments; Major issues; Upcoming year activities; and Water quality trends.
Freshwater Section Reductions Table 13: Progress Towards the TN TMDL in the Freshwater Reach Table 12: Progress Towards the TP TMDL in the Freshwater Reach
Freshwater Progress Towards the TMDLs TP TMDLTN TMDL 95% achieved; 5% of reductions remaining. 94% achieved; 6% of reductions remaining.
Marine Section Reductions T ABLE 14: P ROGRESS T OWARDS THE TN TMDL IN THE M ARINE R EACH * The WWTFs in the marine section have exceeded the necessary reductions overall; however, several projects are still ongoing that are required for individual stakeholders to achieve their portion of the reductions.
Marine Section Progress Towards the TN TMDL 94% achieved; 6% of reductions remaining.
Data represent discharge monthly reports (DMRs) submitted in November 2013.
Scheduled Efforts in 2014 Clay County—Wet detention pond construction. City of Palatka—First flush treatment project. City of Jacksonville—Continue septic tank phase out, stormwater projects, and trading efforts. Agriculture—BMP implementation, Tri-County Agricultural Area (TCAA) Water Management Partnership, and BMP compliance process. On-going activities by many entities.