State Initiatives Standards developed for content areas grades 3,5,8, and 11 State tests developed to assess standards-Pa. System of School Assessment (PSSA) Education Empowerment Act twelve empowerment districts four districts under new governance models
State Initiatives – Teacher Preparation Act 48, Chapter 49, and Chapter 354 Act 48 eliminated permanent certification for teachers Chapter 49 affected all curricula for teacher preparation programs supported K-12 academic standards expanded support for novice teachers expanded assessment of teachers
State Initiatives- Teacher Preparation Chapter 354 defined certification requirements Complete three semesters of liberal arts course work with minimum of 3.0 GPA Cooperation between liberal arts and education faculty for the design of teacher preparation programs Clinical experiences starting in first semester of freshman year Programs approved every five years Integration of technology into curriculum
State Initiatives-Teacher Professional Development Governor’s Academy for Urban Educators Week long professional development program for in-service teachers Teachers and administrators attend as a team Funded by the state Graduate credit provided 2500 participants
K-16 Network Developed through the Pennsylvania Academy for the Profession of Teaching and Learning Improved linkages between basic and higher education Improved the integration of technology in teacher preparation programs Integrated K-12 standards into teacher preparation programs
K-16 Network Undergraduate courses revised to include standards based teaching methods Mentoring programs developed mentors from NSTOY used mentors from Milken used Professional development schools created
Academy Board Public Policy Representatives 1 PTA 1 Business/Education Partnership 2 PDE/Deputy Secretaries 1 State Board 2 Regional K-16 Council Members Total - 7
Academy Board K - 12 Representatives 5 TeachersPSEA/PFT 1 SuperintendentPASA 1 Executive DirectorIU 2 School Board MembersPSBA 1 PrincipalPAESSP Total - 10
Academy Board University and College Representatives 1 Chancellor/State System of Higher Ed. 2 PACU Presidents 1 Dean of Arts and Sciences 2 PACTE Representative/Deans of Ed. 3 Faculty Member/SSHE/APSCUF appt. 1 Community College Total - 10
Technology Integration Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to use Technology (PT3) Developing rubric to identify technology competency Uses ISTE standards to design program Creating a electronic learning community Redesigning 50 pre-service courses to integrate technology
Teacher Quality Developed K-16 partnerships Changed policies for preparation and professional development of teachers Effected school improvement K-16