© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Dr. Peter Chan Asst Professor of Instructional Technology, Brigham Young University Hawaii Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong MIT6001 IT in Education—An Overview (2 nd term) # 7: Culmination 12/23/2005
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Psychological Foundations Behaviorism: Behaviorism: Learning = behaviors, changed by rewards/stimulus Learning = behaviors, changed by rewards/stimulus Two types of conditionings Two types of conditionings Advantages & disadvantages Advantages & disadvantages Constructivism: Constructivism: Learning = construction of schema (mental structure) Learning = construction of schema (mental structure) If new knowledge ~ schema, then assimilate into schema. If new knowledge ~ schema, then assimilate into schema. If new knowledge not ~ schema, then reject or transform it to fit If new knowledge not ~ schema, then reject or transform it to fit Learning communities, authentic tasks, student-centered, real-world, hands-on Learning communities, authentic tasks, student-centered, real-world, hands-on Advantages & disadvantages Advantages & disadvantages
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Psychological Foundations Socioculturalism: Socioculturalism: Learning = a social process Learning = a social process Level 1 learning: through interaction integrated into individual’s mental structure Level 1 learning: through interaction integrated into individual’s mental structure Level 2 learning: potential for cognitive development is limited to a “zone of proximal development” Level 2 learning: potential for cognitive development is limited to a “zone of proximal development” Collaborative learning, discourse, modeling, and scaffolding Collaborative learning, discourse, modeling, and scaffolding
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Other Learning Theories Problem-based learning Problem-based learning Anchored instruction Anchored instruction Distributed cognition Distributed cognition Cognitive flexibility theory Cognitive flexibility theory Cognitive apprenticeship Cognitive apprenticeship Situated learning Situated learning Self-regulated learning Self-regulated learning Agentive Learning: Agentive Learning:
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Assignment #1: Psychological Foundations Complete your statements of beliefs of a teacher, learner, and about technology in education? (3 to 5 points in each area) Complete your statements of beliefs of a teacher, learner, and about technology in education? (3 to 5 points in each area) Complete your plan for a lesson or an instructional unit. The plan should state the Purposes, Learning outcomes, Activities, Technology, Strategies for ensuring learning, Audience, and Schedule Complete your plan for a lesson or an instructional unit. The plan should state the Purposes, Learning outcomes, Activities, Technology, Strategies for ensuring learning, Audience, and Schedule Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: What is the learning theory implied in your lesson plan? What is the learning theory implied in your lesson plan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this theory in the context of your lesson? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this theory in the context of your lesson? How would be your lesson like if you apply the other two theories? How would be your lesson like if you apply the other two theories?
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Assignment #2: Electronic Portfolio Define the purposes, audience, and resources (hardware, software) for your e-folio. Start collection process or simply indicate your plan for collection. Post the reflective reports from this and other MIT classes. Build a web-folio at the class website. Define the purposes, audience, and resources (hardware, software) for your e-folio. Start collection process or simply indicate your plan for collection. Post the reflective reports from this and other MIT classes. Build a web-folio at the class website.
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Technology Standards for students Basic operations and concepts Basic operations and concepts Social, ethical, and human issues Social, ethical, and human issues Technology productivity tools Technology productivity tools Technology communications tools Technology communications tools Technology research tools Technology research tools Technology problem-solving and decision- making tools Technology problem-solving and decision- making tools
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Assignment #3: Technology Standards for students Develop or modify an existing lesson plan in your content area according to the appropriate technology standards for students. Develop or modify an existing lesson plan in your content area according to the appropriate technology standards for students. Your work will be evaluated using the following rubric. (Please see corrections in #2) Your work will be evaluated using the following rubric. (Please see corrections in #2)
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIADEVELOPING 1 PROMISING 2 ACCEPTABLE 3 ACCOMPLISHED 4 Type of Activities Uses only one type of activity that is questionable in its appropriateness for the developmental level of the students. Uses some developmentally appropriate activities that area mixture of hands on and technology based. Uses mostly activities that are developmentally appropriate and are a mixture of hands on and technology based. Uses developmentally appropriate activities that are both hands on and technology based. Identification of Standards Did not list standardsLists standards but is incomplete. Lists standards with only minor omissions or over-statements. Lists appropriate technology standards for students in developing knowledge and skills. Uses of Technology Uses technology but does not enrich conceptual understanding of student. Uses technology to communicate knowledge of mathematical concepts "discovered" in the lesson activities, but method of use is not necessarily engaging for students. Uses generally appropriate technology that enhances concept development. Effectively utilizes tool developed. Uses developmentally appropriate technology that enhances concept development. Effectively utilizes tool developed as an integral part of the lesson. ReflectionReflection does not include all elements: strength, weaknesses, modifications, and evaluation of technologies employed. Reflection includes a surface level analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson taught, explanation of what should be done differently and why, and assessment of the technologies used. Reflection includes a reasonable analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson, explanations of what should be done differently and why, and an assessment of the technologies used. Reflection includes a thoughtful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson, clear explanations of what should be done differently and why, and a critical assessment of the technologies used.
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan WebQuest 1. Introduction 2. Task 3. Process 4. Evaluation 5. Conclusion 6. Teacher Page
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Assignment #4: Webquest Use the following template to design a WebQuest in progress. Use the following template to design a WebQuest in progress. There are some simple templates for your reference: There are some simple templates for your reference:
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan M. David Merrill’s Five-Star Instruction
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Assignment #5: Instructional Design Identify an instructional unit (a lesson, a course module, etc.) that you or another teacher have designed and evaluate it using the following Five- Star Instructional Design Rating form: Identify an instructional unit (a lesson, a course module, etc.) that you or another teacher have designed and evaluate it using the following Five- Star Instructional Design Rating form: Fill in all parts of the form. You must type in some reflection at the “Comment” section of the form. Fill in all parts of the form. You must type in some reflection at the “Comment” section of the form. To select a score in the form, just highlight it. To select a score in the form, just highlight it. Post the completed form to your electronic portfolio. Post the completed form to your electronic portfolio. If possible, include your lesson materials in the electronic portfolio. If possible, include your lesson materials in the electronic portfolio.
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan Discussion Active Learning vs. examinations Active Learning vs. examinations A video ethnography case study A video ethnography case study A video ethnography case study A video ethnography case study
© Copyright 2005 by Peter Chan 陳爾崗教授 Peter Chan, Ph.D. 陳爾崗教授 Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology Brigham Young University Hawaii Kulanui Street, #1954, Laie, Hawaii 96762, USA Phone: Fax: