Improving Ohio’s Mathematics & Science Infrastructure Teaching, Teacher Education, and Student Achievement.


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Presentation transcript:

Improving Ohio’s Mathematics & Science Infrastructure Teaching, Teacher Education, and Student Achievement

2 Educational Attainment EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Where Ohio Stands Today Graduate High School Continue to College Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2000, Postsecondary Education Opportunity DEFICITS: Some College: 361,954 Bachelor’s Degree: 245,053 Ohio: Preparing for the future

3 Ohio Hasn’t Made Up Ground Percent of population with a bachelor’s degree Connecticut27.2% 2. Massachusetts27.2% 3. Colorado27.0% 4. New Jersey24.8% 5. Virginia 24.5% … 39. OHIO 17.0% 40. Iowa16.9% 41. South Carolina 16.6% 42. Louisiana 16.1% 43. Tennessee 15.9% 44. Alabama 15.6% 45. Indiana15.6% 46. Nevada15.3% 47. Mississippi 14.8% 48. Kentucky 13.6% 49. Arkansas 13.4% 50. West Virginia 12.3% Massachusetts33.2% 2. Colorado32.7% 3. Maryland31.4% 4. Connecticut31.4% 5. New Jersey29.8% … 39. OHIO21.1% 40. South Carolina 20.4% 41. Oklahoma 20.3% 42. Tennessee19.6% 43. Indiana 19.4% 44. Alabama19.0% 45. Louisiana 18.7% 46. Nevada 18.2% 47. Kentucky17.1% 48. Mississippi 16.9% 49. Arkansas 16.7% 50. West Virginia 14.8% Source: U.S. Census Bureau 1990 Census, 2000 Census IMPROVEMENT, BUT... Ohio Hasn’t Made Up Ground Ohio: Preparing for the future

4 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 CONFIRMING THE CONNECTION Income and Education Percent of national average 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% U.S. Average Ohio Per Capita Income Ohio: Preparing for the future Compared to the national average, per capita income has paralleled the percent of population with a bachelor’s degree. Bachelor’s Degree Attainment Associate Degree Attainment

5 Sources of Economic Success IT’S A DIFFERENT ECONOMIC GAME... The Knowledge Economy #1: SOURCES OF ECONOMIC SUCCESS Ohio: Preparing for the future TRADITIONAL ECONOMY Land, energy & natural resources Physical location Fixed capital & infrastructure KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Skilled, knowledge workers Global communication & transportation Research & knowledge generation

6 Ohio’s Estimated Annual Supply of Teachers Physics 16Mathematics239 Earth Science 37 Chemistry 30 Biology141 General Science 54 Biology/Gen. Sci.120 Biology/Physics/Gen Sci. 46

7 Ohio Resource Center On-line best practices in mathematics, science and reading New technology for curriculum and instruction Centers of Excellence outreach

8 Mathematics and Science Centers of Excellence

9 Centers of Excellence Goals Recruit and retain increasing numbers of mathematics and science teachers Improve in-service and pre-service teacher education Enhance the capacity of under-performing districts to improve student achievement Strengthen K-16 communication, coordination, and collaboration Collaborate with Ohio Resource Center

10 Northeast University Center of Excellence Higher Education Partners University of Akron Kent State University Cleveland State University Cuyahoga Community College

11 Northeast University Center of Excellence K-12 Partners  Akron City Schools  Aurora Public Schools  Canton City Schools  Kent Public Schools  Parma City Schools  Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools  Streetsboro City Schools

12 Northeast University Center of Excellence Highlights Faculty positions (4) Inquiry-based professional development for K-16 faculty Inquiry-based math/science courses for teachers ORC on-line tutorials for improving 6-16 teaching Transition model for community college students

13 Mathematics and Science Evaluation and Assessment Center Evaluate University Centers of Excellence Assist K-16 institutions with evaluating mathematics and science programs and curricula Develop TIMSS-like, K-16, mathematics and science assessment tools Conduct mathematics and science evaluation and assessment research

14 Ohio Teaching and Learning Initiative Building on arts, science, and education collaborations—campus and statewide Innovative models for enhancing teacher quality o K-16 University Council for Teacher Education o Moving from teaching to learning o Innovative use of technology in teaching and learning

15 OBR Teaching Fellows in Mathematics and Science Faculty teams-mathematics, science, and education Link to Title II reporting (supplementing technical assistance) Peer-to-peer assistance to campuses Identifying and disseminating best practices Targeting mathematics and science program improvement

16 Articulation between Two- and Four- Year Campuses for Teacher Education Expanding the teacher education pipeline (high- need areas, hard to staff schools) Natural role for two-year campuses, particularly in arts/science (community college, technical college, regional campus) Regionally based collaborations: campus-to- campus agreements Assessing impact—how do students move between campuses?

17 CatalystOHIO Grant (PT3) Preparing teachers to use technology for effective learning o Building on ISTE technology standards for teachers and Ohio’s K-12 student standards o Developing modules Skill modules Integration modules o Professional development and assessment

18 Ohio Partnership for Accountability: The Impact of Teacher Education Consortium of: o 51 teacher preparation institutions o Ohio Board of Regents o Ohio Department of Education 5-year empirical study of the components of teacher education that have the greatest impact on students’ performance Interest and funding