Enjoy Your Life!!!
Life at times kicks right in the face. Many survive to stay standing up, others fall straight to the floor.
You must always keep a positive attitude. Life is unfair but after all God only gives you what you can handle!!!
Life - it's the only one we have. Love yourself, love your surroundings and make a difference in someone's life- that feeling is inexplicable.
Life is like a song, so sing it loud and clear as we move along Life is like a song, so sing it loud and clear as we move along . What's important, we keep near.
Each turn we take is another chance and opens up another door. It's up to us if we get up and dance or choose to sit on the floor.
As we grow older, we start to see the world is on our shoulder. And reality is telling us we are not who we want to be.
Each day becomes an effort and we begin sleeping through our lives. There is so much pain and hurt. Everyone stabbing each other with knives.
All others become a bad influence. Your life is now at stake. The key to true repentance is what we choose to take!!!
You see, life is what we make it. Nothing more and nothing less. Trust is strong but once you break it, everything becomes a mess.
But what good does it do for us to cry. What good does it do to whine. Everybody lives and everybody has to die. We all go through pain and have a set amount of time.
All that we can do, is look to the future with hope. That someday things will all make sense. As time goes on, we will find ways to cope and the pain will no longer seem so intense.
We'll put on a smile, sing life's song with love. Hang around for a while and seek God's grace from up above.
Do your best to make sense of everything you're given. If nothing works out, hold your head up high, keep living!!!
There will be times when pain is all we feel. The clouds are all we can see. It will seem to be too much for us to deal, but in the end, God will set us free.
Open up your mind and just live for today. Each of us, our paths will wind as we search and find our way.
Near the end of our life as we walk through our last days. We'll back look at the things that helped light our way.
We'll see all the mistakes we made and the people who were there. The things that may have caused our smiles to fade and the smell of the cool, fresh air.
You'll think about the people you'll never know by name and all of the joy you felt. When someone kept you from going insane and helped you to live with the hand you've been dealt.
that always came out after You'll remember the sun that always came out after the passing of the rain. It wouldn't allow you to doubt that the joy was worth the pain.
Credit Poem : It's Your Life By Molly Mae Miller Thank You Very Much Learn that life is a journey and we must enjoy every single minute of it. We can't navigate through life with fear. We must stand tall and keep on through this journey. Credit Poem : It's Your Life By Molly Mae Miller Thank You Very Much Sompong Yusoontorn
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