If you would like to donate cookies for Coffee Fellowship, please see Pat Shipley.
Prayer Request Cards Prayer request cards are available in the seat pocket in front of you or on the table at the back of the room.
Offering Envelopes Offering envelopes are available for your use on the table in the back of the room.
Sermon Recordings Sermon recordings are available on our website at or you may request a CD.
Attendance Folios Please let us know you’re here today by filling out the black folio at the end of each row.
Bulletin Announcements The deadline for bulletin announcements to reach the church office is Friday, 9:00am
Prayer Group Tuesdays, 10:30am (in various homes)
Crafter’s Fellowship 11:30am The first Wednesday of each month.
Senior Lunch 12:00pm The 3rd Wednesday of each month. See Pat Shipley for details.
Wednesdays 5:45pm
Dress-A-Girl Thursdays, 10:00am Please see Marlene Harris for more information.
Men’s Breakfast 8:00am The second Saturday of each month. See Al Harris for details.
18-ON 6:30pm Thursdays at Barnetts