Welcome to Morning Worship Naseby Methodist Church
BEHOLD THE LORD upon His throne; His face is shining like the sun. With eyes blazing fire, and feet glowing bronze, His voice like mighty water roars. Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Holy, holy, we stand in awe of You.
The First, the Last, the living One Laid down His life for all the world; Behold He now lives forever more, And holds the keys of death and hell. Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; Holy, holy, we bow before Your throne.
So let our praises ever ring To Jesus Christ, our glorious King. All heaven and earth resound as we cry: ‘Worthy is the Son of God!’ Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; Holy, holy, we fall down at Your feet. Gerald Coates & Noel Richards.Copyright © 1991
HERE I AM, Humbled by Your majesty, Covered by Your grace so free. Here I am, Knowing I’m a sinful man, Covered by the blood of the Lamb.
Now I ’ ve found The greatest love of all is mine, Since You laid down Your life, The greatest sacrifice.
Majesty, majesty. Your grace has found me just as I am, Empty-handed but alive in Your hands. Majesty, majesty. Forever I am changed by Your love In the presence of Your majesty.
Here I am, Humbled by the love that You give, Forgiven so that I can forgive. Here I stand, Knowing that I’m Your desire, Sanctified by glory and fire. Martin Smith & Stuart Garrard. Copyright © 2003
Background - Copyright B Whittam © News and testimony
Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
CCL: , SoF 544, There is a Redeemer, verse 1 There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Thank You, O my father, For giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit— Till the work on earth is done.
CCL: , SoF 544, There is a Redeemer, verse 2 Jesus my Redeemer, Name above all names, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, O for sinners slain. Thank You, O my father, For giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit— Till the work on earth is done.
CCL: , SoF 544, There is a Redeemer, last verse, Melody Green When I stand in glory I will see his face. And there I’ll serve my King for ever In that Holy Place. Thank You, O my father, For giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit— Till the work on earth is done.
CCL: , SoF 544, There is a Redeemer, verse 1
Reading Joel 2:21-32
Reading Romans 10:1-17
I am trusting Thee, Lord, Jesus, Trusting only Thee; Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. I am trusting Thee for pardon; At Thy feet I bow; For Thy grace and tender mercy, Trusting now.
I am trusting Thee for cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting Thee to make me holy By Thy blood. I am trusting Thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead; Every day and hour supplying All my need.
I am trusting Thee for power, Thine can never fail; Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me Must prevail. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus; Never let me fall; I am trusting Thee forever, And for all. Frances R. Havergal. 1874
Sermon points Builder Reason Invitation Dependence Gratitude Everyone
Prayers of Intercession
SoF 197, I am a new creation, Dave Bilbro I am a new creation, No more in condemnation, Here in the grace of God I stand. My heart is overflowing, My love just keeps on growing, Here in the grace of God I stand. And I will praise You Lord, Yes I will praise You Lord, And I will sing of all that You have done. A joy that knows no limit, A lightness in my spirit, Here in the grace of God I stand.
The Lord’s Supper
Lord, who linked Your heaven to earth with a bridge of love divine; Timeless glory, humble birth, joined in one supreme design: We would be bridge-builders too, spanning all the world for You.
Bridges we would strive to build, foes transforming into friends, Till this war-worn world is filled with the peace Your Spirit sends; And, with one united voice, peoples, freed from fear, rejoice.
When, in selfish quest for wealth, we ignore our neighbour’s need: Thoughtlessly enjoying health, while the helpless vainly plead; Lord, awaken us to share, building bridges with our care.
We join together in the words of “The grace”