WasteCap Resource Solutions, Inc.
WasteCap Resource Solutions Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Providing waste reduction and recycling assistance for the benefit of business and the environment Transforming Waste Into Resources TM
WE PROVIDE Specifications, contract language Waste management plans Hauling proposals Training, education Technical support Waste audits Markets Documentation
WE SHARE Construction and Demolition Recycling Training and Accreditation
Growing and making a difference Over $4 billion of construction & demolition projects Every commercial project reduced disposal costs Projects diverted more than 329,000 tons of materials That’s approximately 75% average diversion!
WasteCap Resource Solutions, Inc. WASTECAP TRACE Transform Resources and Conserve Energy TM Online documentation system Track C&D debris recycling results ®
WasteCap Resource Solutions, Inc. WHY TRACE? Created to help State of Wisconsin projects track reuse and recycling results on individual C&D projects and across all projects
*No duplication of data entry * Waste Management Plan *Contractor, Hauler or Waste Manager can enter data * Maintains data privacy * Integrate with existing systems * How much is my project recycling this month? All projects? * Progress Reports * Final Reports * Meet requirements for construction waste management specifications, certification programs InputOutput
Landing page shows you at-a- glance how you are doing toward your project goals.