Welcome to Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
It’s About Community St. Edward the Confessor Parish Calle La Primavera Dana Point, CA
Parish Staff Fr. Brendan Manson, Pastor Administrator Fr. Dave Gruver, Parochial Vicar Fr. Armando Virrey, Parochial Vicar Donna Couch, Director of Faith Formation
RCIA Team 30 Strong! Servant Leaders/Sponsors Facilitators Companions on the Journey Tom, Donna, Elizabeth, Sandy, Aimee, Janet, Stephanie, John, Tristen, Kathie, Mark, Melinda, Jason, Kevin, Corrine, Cheryl, John, Darlene, Karen, Dave, Michelle, Joe, Randi, Paula, Mark, Rick, Therese, Terri, Yollie, Cathy
Parish Focus
Content Growth in Knowledge of Catholic Faith Tradition Growth in Personal Spirituality – Prayer, Presence, Depth Growth in Relationship with Jesus Growth in Relationships with Others Growth and Rootedness in Scripture Growth in Resources
Use of Internet Our Seekers/Faith Formation Website: Parish: Weekly synopsis of gatherings Recordings of Tuesday sessions Calendar, Handouts Links to other resources Learning 365 days; 24/7
Social Media https :// St.EdwardtheConfessorRCIA/
How long does it take? “... as long as it takes to fall in love and make a life-long commitment to a covenant with the Beloved... “ It’s up to YOU and GOD!
Phase I: INQUIRY September ~ December Tuesday Nights Listening Questioning Wondering Storytelling Basic Formation Discernment Ends with RITE OF WELCOME with Community at 9:00 AM Sunday Mass
Sponsors and Godparents are spiritual friends who will walk with you; must be fully initiated, practicing Catholics Sponsors –for Confirmation Godparents for the Unbaptized
Sunday Dismissals Begin December 6, Meet for 9:00 AM Mass Blessing and Dismissal after Homily (Sermon) Gather to Study Sunday Scripture Required for Unbaptized Persons Optional for Others (those who are baptized but cannot receive communion yet)
Phase 2: Catechumenate December - March Deeper Formation into “All Things Catholic” Doctrine Rituals & Celebrations Support of Sponsors, Team, Community Retreat Ends with Rite of Sending/Election with Bishop and Others Journeying Through RCIA
Phase 3: Purification & Enlightenment February - March Lent Intense time for you and community Rites and Rituals Presentations Scrutinies Discernment Final Preparation for Easter Sacraments
Reception of Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist HOLY WEEK – Begins on Palm Sunday (one week before Easter Sunday) THE TRIDUUM: Holy Thursday Good Friday HOLY SATURDAY (The Eve of Easter) March 26, 2016 Biggest Celebration of Year – Adults are Initiated at this Mass!
Phase 4: Mystagogia April - May Reflection on the Mystery of Christian Journey Deeper Connection into Community “I’m a Catholic…….What do I do now?” Christian Witness Transitioning out of RCIA Experience Ends this year’s finale is May 10, 2016 May 15 is PENTECOST SUNDAY Celebration of Confirmation for Some
CURRICULUM Catechetical Sessions (Meetings ON Tuesdays) Reading Scripture and Sharing Reading Assignments - Books, printed materials, Web Links (No Tests) Come Prepared to Take Notes Come Prepared to Ask questions Come Prepared to Share your Story Come with an Open Mind and Heart
INTERVIEWS Will be arranged before December Need to hear your story Need to figure out a plan
We have taped testimonies...
We have live testimonies... Jason & Melinda Easter Vigil 2014 Stephanie Easter Vigil 2016
Time to share your story! Who or What called you here tonight? Small Groups
Final Prayer of Seekers