Name of Followers 1. Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
Quick History 1. Islam means submission (to God) in Arabic. Arabic is the sacred language of Islam. 2. Abraham, who God made a covenant with, had two sons, one named Isaac and one named Ishmael. Those who are descendants of Isaac of Hebrews and those of Ishmael are Muslims. 3. Islam was founded by Muhammad. Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca, located in modern day Saudi Arabia. When he was 40 he heard a voice, the voice of the Angel Gabriel, telling him to recite the words of Allah (God),“There is only one God, Allah.”
Holy Book 1. Koran or Qur’an: The holy book of Islam. It is considered to be the word of Allah that was written down after Muhammad’s death.
Beliefs about God 1. Believe in one God, the same one that the Jewish and Christian people believe in, called Allah. 2. Allah sent a series of prophets to the world and each shared his message with the world. Allah’s message was not considered to be complete until Muhammad (considered to be the final prophet). 3. The goal of Islam is to live according to God’s guidance, which will be rewarded with salvation or eternal life with God.
Holy Days 1. Ramadan: Last an entire month and celebrates the time when the Koran was revealed to Muhammad. During this time, prayers are offered, special foods prepared, new clothing is purchased, and gifts a given.
Holy Places 1. Mecca: The center and holiest city of Islam. 2. Mosque: Holy buildings that Muslims worship in. 3. Kaaba: The most sacred place to Muslims. Is a shrine in the center of the holy city of Mecca. It is the shape of a cube and is covered with black and gold cloth. There is an ancient Black Stone on one of the outside walls. This stone said to have came from the heavens.
Important Traditions 1. Muslims participate in the five best practices called the “five pillars.”
Important People 1. Abraham: A very important figure, considered a prophet of Islam. 2. Ishmael: Abraham’s son. His descendants are Muslims. 3. Muhammad: Considered the founder of Islam and God’s final prophet. 4. Imam: Means prayer leader. Leads prayer, reads from the Qur’an, and gives a sermon.
Major Divisions 1. Muhammad died suddenly in 632 before appointing a successor. Arguments over the rightful heir to his leadership caused the divisions within Islam that persist to this day. 2. The two major divisions of Muslims: 1. Shia or Shiites: Believe that Muhammad’s successor must be a direct descendent. 2. Sunni: Muhammad’s successor did not have to be a relative. Instead, they must be qualified (90% of Muslims today). 3. Both groups hold Jerusalem sacred as the city of the prophets and where Muhammad ascended into heaven.
Symbols 1. Crescent new moon and star: The new moon represents the new birth that takes place at the beginning of each month of the Islamic calendar. The star represents the guidance of Allah.