Tel: +32 (02) 286 17 41 Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour


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Presentation transcript:

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety International Cooperation in Market Surveillance Dirk Meijer Chief Executive of Prosafe ( Chairman of ICPSC (

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety CONTENTS Role of the market parties Business characteristics International cooperation Conclusions

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety Responsibilities of Market Parties Producers – Placing safe products on the market Consumers – Using a product safely Government – Determining safety criteria and enforcement of legislation.

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety Business Characteristics Responsible Businesses –Well aware => Advice Ignorant Businesses –Not fully aware => Advice and light enforcement Irresponsible Businesses / Free Riders –Not wanting to comply => Strict enforcement

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety International Cooperation Most businesses operate internationally For an effective approach of irresponsible businesses we need –Harmonised Legislation => Legislators –Harmonised Standards => Standardisation organisations (CEN, ISO) –Harmonised Market Surveillance => Market Surveillance Authorities

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety Cooperation of Market Surveillance Authorities in the Product Safety Area The European Situation –Prosafe The International Situation –ICPSC

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety PROSAFE BACKGROUND The European Commission made an enormous effort in establishing a harmonised system of Legislation in the EU The efforts in setting up harmonised regulations will be hardly effective if the enforcement will not be harmonised Sudsidiarity and the New Legislative Framework

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety Participation in Prosafe Projects

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety International Context ICPSC Started in the ICPHSO conferences as the international forum around 2000 ( Bethesda Declaration which meant the “official” start of ICPSC as a meeting of market surveillance authorities on product safety

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety Participants ICPSC USA (CPSC) China (AQSIQ) Canada (Health Canada) Australia New Zealand South Korea Japan Mexico Brasil Europe (European Commission, (Member) States & Prosafe)

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety Workshops ICPSC To be organised in conjunction with other international events: –ICPHSO February 25 Mini Workshop on Traceability –Goods Conference Stockholm September 2009 –ICPHSO Washington 2010 with the OECD (?) –ICPHSO Toronto (?)

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety CONCLUSIONS (1) To be able to empower consumers and keep business to their responsibilities we need international cooperation in: Legislation Standardisation Market Surveillance

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety CONCLUSIONS (2) Cooperation in Market Surveillance: –Is becoming more and more formalised in Europe due to the New Legislative Framework and activities of Prosafe –Internationally the same developments can be seen within ICPSC

Tel: +32 (02) Rue Joseph II, 12-16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium OECD Round Table on Consumer Empowerment and Responsible Business Behaviour Facilitating closer cooperation between market surveillance officers to improve consumer product safety INFORMATION / QUESTIONS Websites: – – –