Engaging More People: The Time is Now
In this session: Priority Activity Review Expanding Your Committees High 5 Plan Chapter Case Studies: –Mass Market Approach –Grassroots Approach Nationwide Advertising
Walk to End Alzheimer’s Increase Participation Expand Geographies Increase Revenue Recruit Clinical Studies Participants Recruit Advocates Promote Programs & Mission Activities
Grow community presence and the Alzheimer’s movement by doubling the number of registered participants in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s & expanding Walk to End Alzheimer’s to additional geographies.
Expand Geographie s Increase Revenue Recruit Clinical Studies Participant s Recruit Advocates Promote Programs & Mission Activities Double in 3 Years 565,610 participants 60,000+ teams Current Median: 1.5 / 1000 Walkers/Population
Double Participants Expand Geographies Increase Revenue Recruit Clinical Studies Participants Recruit Advocates Promote Programs & Mission Activities 108 Areas with no walks 100K+ Population $7.7m Potential
Expanding Your Committee
Lead Walk Staff Walk Event Chair Team Chair Marketing & Outreach Chair Mission ChairLogistics Chair Sponsorship Chair Committee Volunteers Walk Event Co-Chair Committee Volunteers Event Experience Chair Revenue ChairOnline Chair Corporate Leadership Champion Honorary Mission Champion (New Phase III) Advocacy Phase III
Organizations/social clubs (Kiwanis, chamber, garden club) Places of service (health clubs, retail, salons) Places of worship (denominations, religious centers, faith-based community groups) Corporate (business parks and their tenants) 5x5=100 High 5 Team Recruitment Plan
Your High 5 Recruit Plan I. 5 phone calls a month to each category II.Pick two categories and make 5 personal visits a month to each for a total of 10 visits each month III. Plan 5 public appearances IV. Drop off 5 packets of Walk information to 5 places you’ve never stepped foot in per month V. Take 5 additional outreach actions of your choice.
Mass Market Recruitment Strategies Minnesota–North Dakota Chapter
Research Memory Walk Survey 2010 Help us make our Memory Walks better by completing the following short survey. All survey responses will be anonymous, so your privacy is guaranteed. To say thank you, everyone who completes the survey may enter a drawing to win one of the following prizes: two tickets to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Remembering Our Stars 2011 gala. two tickets to A Meeting of the Minds, the 2011 Alzheimer’s Association dementia conference, which brings together national and local experts for a day of education, information and support. Thank you for your support of the Alzheimer’s Association Minnesota-North Dakota! Part I: The Basics 1. How have you participated in Memory Walk, either this year or in previous years? (Check all that apply.) I walked in a Memory Walk. I made a personal donation. I asked friends, family or colleagues to donate. I was a team captain. I was a team member. I walked as an individual, not as part of a team. My company was a sponsor.
Evaluations/Measurement Tools
Grassroots Recruitment Strategies Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
Grassroots Face-to-Face Visits Cultivating (and redirecting!) Teaming Up Retention and Re- energizing Engaging Sponsors Other Partnership Opportunities Key Communication Strategies to Grow Walk Participation
WALK Media Timeline Event TV 5/15 – 5/29 National TV 5/15 – 6/26 National Print 5/15 – 8/31 Interactive TV 7/11 – 8/7 National TV 7/11 – 7/24 Mapping 7/11 – 7/24 Social Media 5/15 – 8/31 National Radio 5/15 – 6/11 Event TV 7/11 – 7/24
24 WALK Impression Delivery May launch and July push will include “Event TV” Sustaining levels of TV will follow the initial May launch Online mapping and Interactive TV will pull in participants starting with the July push National Radio will be in market for the launch National Print and Social Media will be in market for the entire flight