Health and Fitness
Nutrition Overweight and Obesity –Obesity (20% over avg body wt) has been increasing for more than 2 decades (66.5% and 30% for adults) –Heredity, but environmental pressures? Sedentary lives # calories and fat content of foods –Between 25 & 50, adding wt is normal Basal Metabolic Rate- energy needed at rest- declines –Treatment-Earlier, better Success Estimates from the class? Lasting change: low fat diet + exercise, accurate recording, social support, problem solving skills, extended intervention
Nutrition Dietary Fat –Nation’s health goals: 30% fat diet, 10% saturated –Links to breast cancer, colon cancer, cardiovascular disease. –Saturated fat meat, dairy; solid at room temperature. –Unsaturated fat vegetable oils; liquid at room temperature –Best rule: less fat of all kinds, use unsaturated when possible
Exercise Fosters resistance to disease –Moderate intensity-reduces fat, builds muscle, enhances immune response –Associated with a number of other healthy behaviors –Disease prevention-inhibits growth of cancerous tumors (animal research), enhances cardiovascular functioning in humans –Reduces anxiety and depression, improves mood, enhances alertness and energy Associated with lower death rate Recommendation: 20 min, 3 to 5x/wk, relatively vigorous, heart rate 60 to 90% of max.
Substance use Cigarette Smoking –Reduced more than 15% since Largest drop is in what population? Earlier starting, greater consumption –Ingredients and damage Link between smoking and mortality is dose related Benefits of quitting –Return to non-smoking disease risks in 3 to 8 years –Those in treatment programs or using cessation aids often fail. Why?
Substance Use Alcohol –13% men, 3% women- Heavy drinkers (2+ drinks/day) –1/3 alcoholics –Genetic contribution to alcoholism, but ½ of hospitalized alcoholics have no family history –Cost of Alcohol-related problems to society –60% relapse w/in 3 months
Sexuality Kinsey? Heterosexual Attitudes and Behavior –National Health and Social Life Survey- 1 st in-depth study of American’s sex lives based on a nationally representative sample –Americans sexual activity? –In yr olds, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 –Most Americans happy w/sex lives –Negative r between # partners and satisfaction –Satisfaction not only predicted by technique; Attained in context of love, affection, fidelity
Sexuality Homosexual attitudes and behaviors –AIDS has increased visibility of GLB community in the U.S. –Avg U.S. Attitudes negative, but changing NPR example –Little evidence indicates similar patterns to heterosexual sex –Larger percentages in large urban environments Anonymity Support/Social network Acceptance