1 Document Search and Users Guides Document Search and Users Guides, Morten Greve, DG REGIO Train the trainers European Commission seminar for managing.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Document Search and Users Guides Document Search and Users Guides, Morten Greve, DG REGIO Train the trainers European Commission seminar for managing and certifying authorities 9 June 2009

2 Users guides Help link in SFC2007 or – Short-Guides Complete manuals E-learning (in all languages) Newsletters Support by the SFC2007 support team


4 Document Search in SFC2007 Two types of search will be available later this year Search for general documents and information –Guidance notes –COCOF documents –Interpretation of regulation Search for –Document types –Unique dossier (All documents related to a CCI)




8 Conclusion Help page contains a lot of information SFC2007 dedicated support team Advanced search and consultation will soon be available.