Lauri Hietaniemi / Regions for economic change – Brussels 7-8 March 2007 Some Aspects of Improving Energy Efficiency (EE) and Increasing the Use of Renewables in the Housing Sector in North Europe Dr. Lauri Hietaniemi, Managing Director, Green Net Finland
Lauri Hietaniemi / Green Net Finland – Networking organization Mission: to develop networking, businesses, projects and know-how of environmental technology Has the status of Center of Expertise 12/2006 from Finnish government in the national environmental technology (includes energy efficiency) cluster
Lauri Hietaniemi / Members of Green Net Public sector: Cities Universities Research Centers Companies International co-operation agreements in Baltic Countries, Russia, Ukraine and in Nordic Countries
Lauri Hietaniemi / Some EE Activities of Green Net Center of Expertise Keeping International EE Portal Published Green Energy from Finland DVD for Experts Implemented Several Market Studies and Other Projects in New Member States Co-ordinates Nordic project NETS ( ), which will combine and market clean energy solutions from Nordic countries
Lauri Hietaniemi / Expertise clusters in Finland HealthBio – Cluster of Health Care: Kuopio, Oulu, Metropolitan, Tampere, Turku Cluster of Well Being: Kuopio, Oulu,Metropolitan, Tampere Food Development: Kuopio, Metropolitan, Seinäjoki, Turku Energy Technology of the Future: Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Vaasa, Pori ja Tampere Local IT Solutions: Jyväskylä, Oulu, Pori, Metropolitan, Tampere Digital Contents: Hämeenlinna, Metropolitan, Tampere, Kouvola Turism: Metropolitan, Rovaniemi, Savonlinna, Turku Sea Cluster: Lappeenranta, Pori, Turku, Vaasa, Raahe Nano-, Micro Systems and Active materials: Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kokkola, Mikkeli, Oulu, Metropolitan, Tampere Intelligent Machinery: Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Lappeenranta, Seinäjoki, Tampere Forest Industry in the Future: Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Kokkola, Mikkeli, Lappeenranta, Turku Expertise Cluster of Housing: Joensuu, Hämeenlinna, Lahti, Metropolitan Environmental technology cluster: Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Helsinki metropolitan area (Green Net Finland) The Programme of Expertise aims R&D co-operation between companies and reseach groups (universities and research centers) to develop know-how, products and services for global markets
Lauri Hietaniemi / Environmental Technology Expertise Programme of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Activities : 1.Environmental monitoring 2.Energy efficiency in urban environment (planning model for cities, cases on new real estate areas, promotion of exports) 3.New solutions of energy and fuels for urban transport 4.Development of oil spill prevention technology 5. Supporting SMEs in exporting environmental technology products and services
Lauri Hietaniemi / Main EU Legislation of EE on Housing Sector End-use Efficiency & Energy Services, EEES (2006/32/EC)- opens markets, audits, service for consumers Energy Efficiency in Buildings, EPBD (2002/91/EC)- minimum EE requirements for buildings Eco-Design of Energy-Using Products, EuP – will save energy in planning phase of different products Energy Labelling of Domestic Appliances- helps customers to save energy Combined Heat and Power(2004/8/EC)- promotes EE in energy production phase > There is a goal to increase EE by 20% before 2020
Lauri Hietaniemi / Status and findings of EE legislation in EU Implementation is mainly in starting phase in member states after long preparation work. Do we have relevant monitoring system to measure real energy savings of housing within EU? At the same time EU has decided to reach new and more challenging targets (-20% until 2020) to decrease emissions of green house gases. Will this later cause additional requirements in EE of housing? In member states targets will be extremely hard to reach in the years Probably targets will be unrealistic, because implementation period will be too short to reach desired changes vs live time of buildings and energy production plants
Lauri Hietaniemi / Source: Jaccard et. Al 1997 Source:Jaccard et. al 1997
Lauri Hietaniemi / Some challenges to meet So far when we have saved energy in building technology, also other effects took place: -Average living area m 2 /person in apartments and houses is growing -Better indoor air quality increases energy consumption -Increasing distances from work to home will cause additional energy consumption in transport -EE efficiency is not yet an essential part of city planning, where we in fact decide to use a lot of energy -Rising standards of living will cause extra consumption of energy also in homes
Lauri Hietaniemi / Global technological solutions for CO2 mitigation Significant energy efficiency gains are possible in transport, industry and buildings Decarbonisation of the power-generation is possible by using more nuclear power, renewables, efficient use of natural gas, clean coal with CO2 capture and storage (CCS), hydrogen and fuel cells Source: IEA
Lauri Hietaniemi / The Energy Saving Potential of Housing in Finland (potential % in all energy saving potentials) -Heat pumps for buildings where now direct electrical heating (25 %) -Decreasing electricity consumption of equipments, lighting and pumps, better automation (15 %) - Tight EE principles when public sector is buying technology (2 %) -Low energy building concept in insulation of new buildings and in retrofitting old houses (6 %) Source: Virtaa tulevaisuuteen, The work of several leading experts to Finnish WWF 2007
Lauri Hietaniemi / Potential to Produce Energy from Renewables in Finland (potential % in all energy saving potentials) -At the moment 24 % of primary energy (29 % of electricity) is coming from renewables, possible to double mainly by using wood- based biofuels, biogas and solid waste in CHP plants until (59% saving potential of all renewable methods) - Also important possibilities are wind power (14 %), pellets (8 %) and solar panels and bio heating of small houses (11 %) -Bio fuel potential in cars is also considerable (7 %) - Hydropower in small plants (1 %) Source: Virtaa tulevaisuuteen, The work of several leading experts to Finnish WWF 2007
Lauri Hietaniemi / Countries in Different Position FINLAND Proposal for A-class building Energy consumption in new Finnish certificate 130 kwh/m 2 /a Possible to reach 50 in 20 years with very modern technology Problem is to find labour force for building operations Best way to proceed is to add more R&D capital for EE research work of housing Important is that public sector could provide realistic EE alternatives for house holders, owners and companies, when they decide investments Auditing work lead by Motiva has been very profitable since 10 years The big energy companies could use more of their huge returns for investments in EE and renewables BALTIC COUNTRIES In Baltic countries (A lot of Soviet time buildings without isolation) Possible to reach 150 even with conventional technology Main problem to find capital for investments (limited ability of municipalities to finance public investments) Energy saving agreements (also ESCO) have a big potential Energy auditing will be important in future since not yet started in many new member states
Lauri Hietaniemi / Conclusions If economy will grow, we need more radical instruments than used today to save energy in housing in Europe. One idea could be higher energy bills for houses/departments which exceed determined living areas/persons (like heavy cars) We need short term and long term strategies to save energy in housing. Targets until 2020 are not enough. More R&D money to EE of housing More funding resources for new member states The potential of renewables varies a lot in different member states
Lauri Hietaniemi / Green Net Finland ry Managing Director, Lauri Hietaniemi GSM Energy Expert Herkko Lehdonvirta GSM Contact Thank you for Your Attention