Empower Within by Career Connection Mary-Claire Hooper NC FCCLA VP of Middle Schools
Objective NC FCCLA members will be able to discover their strengths, target career goals, and initiate a plan for achieving the lifestyle they desire.
Overview Career Connection is a national program that helps students to explore career pathways and their personal skills and use them to benefit their families, communities, and careers. Creating and completing projects that relate to at least one of the six units of career connection empowers students to create the lifestyle that they want in the future.
Agenda ● Icebreakers a. “But first, let me take a selfie” (allow 5 mins) b.Introduction Scavenger Hunt (allow 10 mins) ● Presentation a.Goals (allow 1 min) b.Purposes (allow 1 min) a.Workshop (allow 15 minutes) ● Handouts a. FCCLA Planning Process b. Interview Do’s and Don’ts c. The Six Units of Career Connection d. Sample Application (optional) ●Activities a. You have skills! (allow mins) b. The Interview (allow mins) ●Quotes and Conclusion(allow 2 mins)
Icebreaker 1: “But first, let me take a selfie…” ● Have students introduce themselves to 3 new people by: o Shaking hands o Exchanging one weird fact about themselves o Taking a selfie Encourage students to post their selfies on social media with the hashtag #ncfccla!
Icebreaker 2: Introduction Scavenger Hunt (15 minutes) Refer to handout #1 Allow 15 minutes for students to roam around the room signing a box that applies to them. (10-15 mins)
Goals ● To empower students to link their options and skills for success in their families, careers, and communities ● To empower students through individual, cooperative, and competitive activities to discover their strengths, target career goals, and initiate a plan for achieving the lifestyle they desire
Purpose ● To empower students to plan, carry out, and evaluate projects that will strengthen their awareness of skills needed for careers
Career Connection: The Basics ● Students will pick at least 1 of the six units of Career Connection and create, plan, carry out, and evaluate a project that relates to that unit.
Units 1 and 2: Plug In and Sign On ● PLUG IN to Careers - Understand work and the Career Connection Program o ex.) Research a Career you are interested in ● SIGN ON to the Career Connection - Link personal interests, skills, and goals to career clusters o ex.) Take a personality quiz online that could help you find your strengths and weaknesses
Activity 1: You have skills! (This activity relates to Unit 2) ● Hand everyone a piece of blank white paper ● Have them write their name in the middle ● Instruct students to write down what skills they have around their name and circle them (ex. working in groups, leadership, confidence) (5 mins) ● Instruct students to write down skills they need to improve and draw a square around them (5 mins) At this time, allow students to pair up with someone they do not previously know. Instruct them to brainstorm ideas of careers for one another based on their strengths and weaknesses. They should also talk about ways to improve their skills. (10 mins)
Units 3 and 4: Program and Link Up ● PROGRAM Career Steps - Prepare with education, leadership, and work experience ex.) Do job shadowing or have an apprenticeship ● LINK UP to Jobs - Learn to find and land a job ex.) Learn how to create a resume or how to act in an interview (1 min)
Activity 2: The Interview The Job interview is a big part of finding a job! ● Pass out handout #2 ● Have the students separated into groups of 2-5 ● Instruct the students to write a short skit exemplifying the INCORRECT way to conduct themselves in an interview. ● Pick one or two group to perform their skits in front of the class This activity should be fun for everyone involved! You are sure to get some laughs from the students. (20 mins)
Units 5 and 6: Access Skills and Integrate ● ACCESS SKILLS for Career Success- Practice being productive on the job and promotable Pinpoint skills you should work on in your daily life that will help you to be a better employee ● INTEGRATE Work and Life - Manage interconnected roles in families, careers, and communities. Work on time-management, creating time for each aspect of your life
National Awards and Recognition National FCCLA recognizes three Career Connection Projects each year as an award for a Chapters hard work and innovative thinking. ● High School Winner- $1000 ● Middle School Winner- $1000 ● Runner Up Award- $500
How to do Career Connection Step 1: Pick a Unit and a project ● Plan with the FCCLA planning process (Handout #3) Step 2: Carry out your project ● Remember to ALWAYS take LOTS of pictures! Step 3: Submit your Project to National FCCLA and apply for an award
How to Apply for a National Award ● Log on to: ● Once logged in, select the "Program Awards" tab ● Select the Career Connection Award section ● Select "Apply Now" for either Middle or High School o Please be sure to select the correct application ● Fill out all required fields ● Upload atleast 3 photos and all supporting flyers, such as flyers, newspaper articles, TV interview videos, etc. using DropBox (A sample Application is provided as Handout #4 to be used if desired)
You have brains in your head, You have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. -Dr. Suess
Goodbye! Thank you for your attention. I hope you all have a great district meeting, and a great day! For questions, feel free to contact Mary-Claire Hooper at
Resources ● FCCLA Planning Process- ● CC Sample Application- ● CC Information- ● Lesson Plan Activities-